
Role of trace boron in the microstructure modification and the anisotropy of mechanical and wear properties of the Ti6Al4V alloy produced by electron beam freeform fabrication


  • Affiliation of Author(s):材料科学与技术学院

  • Journal:Vacuum

  • Abstract:This study focused on the effects of trace boron on the microstructure of the electron beam freeform fabricated (EBF3-ed) Ti6Al4V alloy. The anisotropic compression properties and wear behave or were systematically studied, and results indicate that TiB whiskers align in parallel in the longitudinal (Z) direction with trace boron addition. The boron addition enhances the compression strength of Ti6Al4V alloy but the highly directional TiB whiskers lead to the anisotropy of compressive strength. The higher compressive strength can be obtained when the orientation of TiB whiskers is parallel to the load. Besides, trace boron addition improves the wear resistance of Ti6Al4V. Because of the unidirectional alignment of TiB whiskers, the Ti6Al4V-0.07B samples show anisotropy in their wear properties. This study reveals the effect of trace boron on the compression and wear anisotropy of boron-modified Ti6Al4V alloy prepared by EBF3, which is beneficial to its practical application. © 2019 Elsevier Ltd

  • ISSN No.:0042-207X

  • Translation or Not:no

  • Date of Publication:2020-02-01

  • Co-author:Wang, Han,Tao, Xuewei,Zhang Shasha,Xu, Dongheng,Oleksander, Moliar

  • Correspondence Author:Yao Zhengjun

  • Date of Publication:2020-02-01

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