
Enhanced Microwave Absorption Properties of Double-Layer Absorbers Based on Spherical NiO and Co0.2Ni0.4Zn0.4Fe2O4 Ferrite Composites


  • Affiliation of Author(s):材料科学与技术学院


  • Key Words:Hierarchical NiO particle Ferrite Impedance matching Microwave absorption property

  • Abstract:Microwave absorption properties of spherical NiO particles and Co0.2Ni0.4Zn0.4Fe2O4 (CNZF) ferrites with single-layer and double-layer absorbers were studied in the frequency range of 2-18 GHz. The spherical NiO particles were synthesized by using a hydrothermal process, while the CNZF powders were prepared by using a sol-gel autoignition method. The double-layer absorbers, composed of 30 wt% NiO as matching layer and 30 wt% CNZF as absorption layer, with a total thickness of 3.2 mm, exhibited a maximum reflection loss (R-L) of -67.0 dB at 9.2 GHz and an effective absorbing bandwidth below -10 dB to be 3.9 GHz from 7.0 to 10.9 GHz. The excellent microwave absorption performance of the double-layer absorbers should be ascribed to the high impedance matching ratio, the great microwave attenuation capability, and well-coupled layer.

  • ISSN No.:1006-7191

  • Translation or Not:no

  • Date of Publication:2018-02-01

  • Co-author:Liu, Pei-Jiang,Ng, Vincent Ming Hong,Zhou Jintang,yangzhihong,Kong, Ling-Bing

  • Correspondence Author:姚正军,Kong, Ling-Bing,Yao Zhengjun

  • Date of Publication:2018-02-01

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