Title of Paper:Aerodynamic configuration design and analysis of near-space high supersonic unmanned aerial vehicle
Affiliation of Author(s):航空学院
Journal:Guofang Keji Daxue Xuebao
Abstract:Aerodynamic configurations in the conceptual design of a near-space HSUAV (high supersonic unmanned aerial vehicle) were investigated. To accelerate the aerodynamic configuration design process, a set of tools for the aerodynamic configuration design and analysis, including the parametric geometry modeling code, the grid generation script, the flow field analysis software and the aerodynamic result analysis code, were developed. Following the request for proposal of the HSUAV, an aerodynamic configuration for the HSUAV, in which the wing was integrated into fuselage, was proposed. The wing used a double-wedge airfoil, and the empennage was in V tail. In order to meet the requirement of the air mass flow captured by the inlet, the straight leading edge of the HSUAV was modified into the arched leading edge. Numerical simulation method was employed to evaluate the aerodynamic characteristics of the HSUAV configurations with different wing aspect ratios and dihedrals. Based on the evaluations, the most suitable wing aspect ratio and dihedral were selected, and the final aerodynamic configuration for the HSUAV was obtained. The viability of the final aerodynamic configuration of the HSUAV was verified by the detailed flow field analysis. © 2017, NUDT Press. All right reserved.
ISSN No.:1001-2486
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2017-08-28
Co-author:You, Lianxing,wy
Correspondence Author:You, Lianxing,yxq
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