Title of Paper:Assessment of line-of-response probability density function system matrix for PET
Affiliation of Author(s):自动化学院
Journal:ACM Int. Conf. Proc. Ser.
Abstract:System matrix is an essential element to build the iterative PET image reconstruction algorithm. In this paper, the analytical calculation method and Monte Carlo method are respectively used to generate the system matrices. The obtained system matrices are verified in GATE with the simulation model according to the actual PET. The reconstructed images obtained by these two methods are compared according to image quality evaluation parameters of PSNR and SSIM. Simulation results show that the quality of the reconstructed image by Monte Carlo method is much better. But it takes much long time to build the Monte Carlo system matrix, and the reconstructed image by Monte Carlo method degenerates greatly with the iteration time increasing. © 2019 Association for Computing Machinery.
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2019-03-28
Co-author:Lin, Qichen,Zhao Min,grp,Wang, Xiaolei
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