
Calculating the Service Life of High Volume Slag Concrete Structure Based on Reliability in Ocean Splash Area


  • Affiliation of Author(s):民航学院

  • Journal:Cailiao Daobao/Mater. Rev.

  • Abstract:The long-term erosion and scouring effect of sea waves usually causes corrosion to steel bar as well as swelling and cracking of protective layer, which eventually affect durability and service life of concrete structures constructed in marine condition. Based on the reliability theory, modified chloride diffusion theory and the ChaDuraLife V1.0 life analysis software, herein we selected 3 kinds of high performance concrete differing in slag content and conducted the service life calculation and analysis upon long-term exposure to laboratory and marine wave condition. The results indicated that: the failure probability of high performance slag concrete structure in marine environment gradually increases and the reliabi-lity index gradually decreases as time goes on during service. Either a higher slag content or a larger thickness of protective layer is beneficial to the service life of high-performance slag concrete structure. Under the circumstance of ocean wave splash zone, the C50 high-performance slag concretes in which slag content and fly ash content are 35% and 15%, respectively, could meet the service life requirements of 50 a,100 a and 120 a in the cases of protective layer thicknesses of 7 cm,8 cm and 9 cm. In addition, we suggest that the minimum protective layer thickness of concrete in splashed zone and the maximum DRCM (28 d age chloride diffusion coefficient) in the "Code for Design of Durability of Concrete Structures" are revised to attain the stipulated designed service life requirements. © 2019,Materials Review Magazine. All right reserved.

  • ISSN No.:1005-023X

  • Translation or Not:no

  • Date of Publication:2019-01-25

  • Co-author:Wu, Zhangyu,mhy,Feng, Taotao,dabo

  • Correspondence Author:yhf

  • Date of Publication:2019-01-25

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