
Freeze-thaw damage to high-performance concrete with synthetic fibre and fly ash due to ethylene glycol deicer


  • Affiliation of Author(s):航空学院


  • Key Words:Ethylene glycol deicer Ice-formation pressure Rapid freeze-thaw test Microstructure Compression strength

  • Abstract:The major aimed at investigating the mechanism of the freeze-thaw damage to high performance concrete (HPC) under ethylene glycol (EG) deicer. In this study, three types of HPC were prepared, as well as the reference concrete (OPCO). Tests were performed to evaluate the ice-formation pressure (I-p), determine the impact of rapid freeze-thaw cycles, study the microstructure, and evaluate the compression strength of the HPC and OPCO. The results yielded suggested that the I-p, and the concentration of the EG solution had a strong linear correlation. The I-p of EG solution decreased with its concentration. The freeze-thaw deterioration of OPCO in 3.5 wt% EG was greater than that of HPC, and the EG did not come into any chemical reaction with concrete hydration product. In this study, HPC blended with 20 wt% fly ash and 0.1% polypropylene fibre addition showed superior frost resistance. This could provide theoretical guidance for the concrete frost-resistance design. (C) 2018 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  • ISSN No.:0950-0618

  • Translation or Not:no

  • Date of Publication:2018-10-30

  • Co-author:Ma, Haoxia,Li, Chuang,Tan, Yongshan,Cao, Wentao,dabo

  • Correspondence Author:yhf

  • Date of Publication:2018-10-30

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