
Durability and microscopic mechanism of high performance glass fiber reinforce magnesium oxychloride cement exterior cladding walls


  • Affiliation of Author(s):航空学院

  • Journal:Dongnan Daxue Xuebao

  • Abstract:The effects of the environmental factors on the bending performance of common glass fiber reinforce magnesium oxychloride cement exterior cladding wall (GRMCS) and high performance GRMCS were studied by using the spray-heat radiation and carbonization-spray tests.The degradation mechanism of the GRMCS under the influence of the environmental factors was analyzed by using X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy. The results show that the flexural strength retention rate of the GRMCS under spray-heat radiation is above 80%, while that of the common GRMCS specimen in the carbonization-spray experiments is only 48.88%. After the spray-heat radiation cyclic erosion, the content of Mg(OH)2in the common GRMCS specimen is significantly higher than that in the high performance GRMCS, and loose structures are observed in the common GRMCS. After the carbonation-spray cyclic erosion, the 5Mg(OH)2·MgCl2·8H2O (5·1·8) phase, the major strength phase in the common GRMCS, disappears, and the final hydration product are 4MgCO3·Mg(OH)2·4H2O (4·1·4) phase and MgCO3, while the main phase in the high performance GRMCS is still 5·1·8 phase. The surface of the high performance GRMCS is smooth, while many corrosion pits are observed on the surface of the common GRMCS, indicating that the high performance GRMCS outperforms the common GRMCS in durability. © 2017, Editorial Department of Journal of Southeast University. All right reserved.

  • ISSN No.:1001-0505

  • Translation or Not:no

  • Date of Publication:2017-11-20

  • Co-author:Tan, Yongshan,Liu, Qianqian

  • Correspondence Author:Tan, Yongshan,yhf

  • Date of Publication:2017-11-20

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