
Effects of Various Measures on Service Life of Concrete Structure in Tropical Marine Environment


  • Affiliation of Author(s):航空学院

  • Journal:Hunan Daxue Xuebao

  • Abstract:Due to the long-term corrosion affected by environmental factors, such as sea salt spray, wave-splashing and tidal, a lot of chloride ions in concrete lead to a serious corrosion in marine reinforced concrete structure.As a result, the marine concrete structure is difficult to meet the requirement of 50 years for design service life. In the present work, based on the chloride ion diffusion theory and reliability theory, the effects of structural measures and additional measures on the service life of practical structure in the South China Sea were discussed. The results indicate that the thicker concrete cover thickness can effectively extend the service life of concrete structure. Besides, additional measures also can extend the service life of the structure in tropical marine environment, the most effective method is to use stainless steel instead of ordinary reinforced steel, and however, the high price of stainless steel will limit its application. Compared with other kinds of additional measures,coated with silicone or adding corrosion inhibitor is an effective measure to marine concrete structure. But only one additional measure was used in one dimensional concrete structure that cannot meet the requirement of 50 years of designed service life. © 2018, Editorial Department of Journal of Hunan University. All right reserved.

  • ISSN No.:1674-2974

  • Translation or Not:no

  • Date of Publication:2018-06-25

  • Co-author:Tan, Yongshan,Mei, Qiquan,mhy,Feng, Taotao

  • Correspondence Author:Tan, Yongshan,yhf

  • Date of Publication:2018-06-25

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