
Evalution of using accelerated mortar-bars test to detect inhibition efficacy of supplementary cementitious materials and Li2CO3 on alkali-silica reaction


  • Affiliation of Author(s):航空宇航学院

  • Journal:Dongnan Daxue Xuebao

  • Abstract:The application of accelerated mortar-bars test (AMBT) in detecting the efficacy of binder admixtures to control alkali-silica reaction (ASR) was studied, including supplementary cementitious materials (SCM) and Li2CO3, by prolonging the AMBT curing age to more than 3 years. And some factors in AMBT were analyzed, including the determination of curing age, the determination limits of mortar-bars expansions and the influences of initial alkali content in cement. The results show that, the true inhibiting effects on SCM against ASR can be reflected in AMBT, but the Li2CO3's can not be reflected. The curing age at the 14th day in AMBT can determine the inhibiting efficacy of SCM. The limits of mortar-bar expansions in both ASTM C1567 and Standard for Constructional Quality Acceptance of Railway Concrete Engineering TB 10424-2010 are suitable for detecting the inhibiting effects of SCM against ASR, but the limits of mortar-bar expansions in Technical code for prevention of alkali-aggregate reaction in concrete GB/T 50733-2011 are overly rigorous. And the initial alkali content in cement is not the main factor to disturb the results of AMBT. Therefore, AMBT is recommended for evaluating the inhibiting effects of SCM on ASR. The invalid results of SCM determined by GB/T 50733-2011 can not be used as a reference for rejecting the mitigation of SCM on ASR and no need to adjust the initial alkali content of cement in AMBT. © 2018, Editorial Department of Journal of Southeast University. All right reserved.

  • Volume:48

  • Issue:2

  • Page Number:357-362

  • ISSN No.:1001-0505

  • Translation or Not:no

  • Date of Publication:2018-03-20

  • Included Journals:EI

  • Correspondence Author:Gao, Peng

  • Date of Publication:2018-03-20

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