Affiliation of Author(s):民航学院
Abstract:This study developed a procedure to conduct multiobjective evaluations in the traffic countermeasure (CM) selection process at two-way stopcontrolled (TWSC) intersections. The economic benefits of three vehicle safety-related CMs were calculated considering not only safety impacts, but also operational and environmental impacts. First, for each CM, VISSIM simulation models were developed to obtain the average delay, vehicle emissions, and fuel consumption for the intersection before and after the treatment. The traffic operational impacts were calculated as the change in delay costs. The environmental impacts were calculated as the change in vehicle emissions and fuel consumption costs. Next, safety performance functions and crash modification factors were used to calculate the safety impacts as the crash reduction benefits for various CMs. Finally, the life-cycle cost method was used to combine the different components into the total benefit. The Monte Carlo simulation method was used to conduct uncertainty analysis through random sampling from probability descriptions of uncertain input variables to generate a probabilistic description of results. The findings showed, first, that the operational and environmental impacts accounted for a large proportion of the total impacts, which can significantly affect the selection of CMs. Second, the rankings of the CMs differ depending on whether the safety impacts alone are considered or different impacts are considered together. The study illustrates the detailed process of evaluating projects considering multiple objectives. The findings also explain how different objectives can have countervailing effects in improving motorist safety at TWSC intersections.
ISSN No.:0361-1981
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2017-01-01
Co-author:张圆圆,Zhu, Renwei,Zhang Ying
Correspondence Author:张圆圆,Yang Zhao
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Alma Mater:东南大学
Education Level:东南大学
Degree:Doctoral Degree in Engineering
School/Department:College of Civil Aviation
Discipline:Transportation Planning and Management
Business Address:民航学院1304A
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