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Degree:Doctoral Degree in Engineering

Xiaolong Yang


Education Level:大连理工大学

Alma Mater:大连理工大学

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杨晓龙,博士,教授,2012年获湖南大学学士学位,2018年获大连理工大学博士学位,2016年至2017年受留学基金委资助至美国佐治亚理工学院联合培养(获评A+)。2018年11月到南京航空航天大学机电学院工作,2020年入选南航“长空学者”计划,主持国家自然科学基金青年基金/面上项目、中国航空发动机集团产学研项目、江苏省自然科学基金、江苏省前沿引领技术基础子课题、中国博士后特别资助/面上一等资助、南京留学人员科技创新项目等科研项目,以第一/通讯作者在微纳制造、物理与微流体领域旗舰刊Nano Letters、ACS Nano、Lab Chip、ACS Photonics 等发表20余篇SCI论文,谷歌学术被引1300余次,授权国家发明专利10余项,获英国工程技术学会“The IET Premium Awards”、大连市优秀科技成果奖、January finalist for the 2020 Cahn Prize、ICMEN国际会议最佳口头报告奖等奖励,教育部学位与研究生教育发展中心评审专家,担任Chemical Reviews、ACS Nano、Advanced Functional Materials、Lab on a Chip等20余个国际期刊同行评审专家。Dr. Xiaolong Yang, Professor, received his Bachelor's degree from Hunan University in 2012 and his PhD from Dalian University of Technology in 2018. From 2016 to 2017, he conducted joint training at the Georgia Institute of Technology in the United States under the sponsorship of the China Scholarship Council, where he was awarded an A+ evaluation. Since November 2018, he has been working at the School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (NUAA). In 2020, he was selected for the “Chang Kong Scholars” program at NUAA. He has led various research projects, including the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Youth Fund and General Program), industrial-academic-research projects with China National Aero-Technology Import & Export Corporation (CATIC), Jiangsu Province Natural Science Foundation, Jiangsu Province Frontier Technology Basic Subtopics, the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (Special and General Funds), and the Nanjing Overseas Talent Science and Technology Innovation Program. He has published more than 20 SCI papers as the first or corresponding author in top journals such as Nano Letters, ACS Nano, Lab Chip, and ACS Photonics in the fields of micro/nano manufacturing, physics, and microfluidics, with over 1300 citations on Google Scholar. He holds more than 10 authorized national invention patents and has received multiple awards, including the The IET Premium Awards from the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), the Outstanding Scientific and Technological Achievement Award from Dalian City, and the January Finalist for the 2020 Cahn Prize, as well as the Best Oral Presentation Award at the ICMEN International Conference. He serves as an expert reviewer for the Ministry of Education’s Degree and Graduate Education Development Center and is a peer reviewer for over 20 international journals, including Chemical Reviews, ACS Nano, Advanced Functional Materials, and Lab on a Chip.工作经历 (WORK EXPERIENCE):2023.06-至今 南京航空航天大学机电学院 教授2018.11-2023.06 南京航空航天大学机电学院 副研究员(副教授)教育经历 (EDUCATION):2014/09-2018/10, 大连理工大学, 机械制造及其自动化, 博士2016/10-2017/10, 美国佐治亚理工学院, 仿生制造技术与应用, 国家公派联合培养2012/09-2014/07, 大连理工大学, 机械制造及其自动化, 硕博连读2008/09-2012/07, 湖南大学, 机械设计制造及其自动化, 学士发表论文 (PUBLICATIONS):至今,以第一/通讯作者在ACS Nano(IF: 17.1)、Nano Letters(IF: 10.8)、ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces(IF: 9.5)等杂志发表SCI论文26篇,包括7篇封面文章、2篇最佳论文,谷歌学术被引1600余次,国际会议邀请报告2次,优秀口头报告1次,授权发明专利10余项。详见:第一作者/通讯作者发表论文如下(*通讯作者)2023年:[29] Yu Tang, Xiaolong Yang*, Ligeng Wang, Yimin Li, Di Zhu. Dropwise Condensate Comb for Enhanced Heat Transfer. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2023, 15(17): 21549-21561. (SCI;IF9.5)[28] Xiaolong Yang, Biao Qi, Yao Lu, Wang Zhang, Xiaolei Wang*. Bionic surface diode for droplet steering. Droplet, 2023, 2: e46.2022年:[27] Yimin Li, Xiaolong Yang*, Xu Tian, Yu Tang. Capillary-Driven Boiling Heat Transfer on Superwetting Microgrooves. ACS Omega, 2022, 7, 39, 35339-35350.[26] Kai Zhuang, Jieru Xiao, Xiaolong Yang*. Droplet bouncing on topological nonwetting surfaces via laser fabrication. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing and Special Equipment, 2022, Published Online.[25] Xiaolong Yang*, Yimin Li, Huanxi Zheng, Yao Lu*. Saturated Surface Charging on Micro/Nanoporous Polytetrafluoroethylene for Droplet Manipulation. ACS Applied Nano Materials, 2022, 5, 3, 3342-3351.[24] Yu Tang, Xiaolong Yang*, Yao Wu, Ligeng Wang, Di Zhu. Preparation of hierarchical Micro-Nano titanium dioxide structures via laser irradiation for enhancing water transport performance. Applied Surface Science, 2022, 586, 152708. (SCI;IF6.7;中科院一区)[23] Biao Qi, Xiaolong Yang*, Xiaolei Wang. Ultraslippery/hydrophilic patterned surfaces for efficient fog harvest. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2022, 640, 128398. (正封面文章;SCI;IF5.2)2021年:[22] Yu Tang, Xiaolong Yang*, Yimin Li, Yao Lu, Di Zhu*. Robust Micro-Nanostructured Superhydrophobic Surfaces for LongTerm Dropwise Condensation. Nano Letters, 2021, 21(22), 9824–9833. (IF 10.8;中科院一区Top;Supplementary Cover Article) [21] Xiaolong Yang, Kai Zhuang, Yao Lu*, Xiaolei Wang*. Creation of Topological Ultraslippery Surfaces for Droplet Motion Control, ACS Nano, 2021, 15, 2589-2599. (IF 17.1;中科院一区Top;Supplementary Cover Article)[20] Yu Tang, Xiaolong Yang*, Yimin Li, Di Zhu*. Design of Hybrid Superwetting Surfaces with Self‐Driven Droplet Transport Feature for Enhanced Condensation. Advanced Materials Interfaces, 2021, 2100284. (SCI; IF5.4; 底部封面,Back Cover)[19] 杨晓龙, 唐煜, 朱荻. 面向薄膜沸腾传热的仿生拓扑表面毛细传输研究. 中国机械工程, 2021, 32(23), 2799-2807.[18] Kai Zhuang, Yao Lu, Xiaolei Wang, Xiaolong Yang*. Architecture-Driven Fast Droplet Transport without Mass Loss, Langmuir, 2021, 37(43), 12519–12528. (IF 3.9;正封面文章)[17] Kai Zhuang, Xiaolong Yang (共同一作), Wei Huang, et al., Efficient Bubble Transport on Bioinspired Topological Ultraslippery Surfaces. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2021, 13(51), 61780–61788 (SCI;IF9.5;中科院一区Top)2019年:[16] Xiaolong Yang*, Won Tae Choi, Jiyu Liu, Xin Liu. Droplet Mechanical Hand Based on Anisotropic Water Adhesion of Hydrophobic-Superhydrophobic Patterned surfaces. Langmuir, 2019, 35 (4): 935–942. (SCI;IF3.9;JCR-Q1区)[15] Xiaolong Yang*, Jinlong Song*, Ni Chen, Xin Liu. Open Surface Multifunctional Droplet Manipulation Platform Fabricated by Micromilling. Journal of Materials Science, 2019, 10715-10727. (SCI;IF4.5;JCR-Q1区)[14] Xiaolong Yang*, Ziai Liu, Xin Liu, Jinlong Song. Nanotextured Surfaces with Underwater Anisotropic Sliding Resistance for Oil Transfer and Coalescence. Colloids and Surfaces A, 2019, 580: 123691. (SCI;IF5.2;JCR-Q1区)[13] Jichao Zhang, Faze Chen, Yao Lu, Jiyu Liu, Yan Chen, Xin Liu*, Xiaolong Yang*, Claire J. Carmalt, Ivan P. Parkin. Superhydrophilic-Superhydrophobic Patterned Surfaces on Glass Substrate for Water Harvesting. Journal of Materials Science, 2020, 55: 498-508. (SCI;IF4.5;JCR-Q1区;Cahn Prize提名奖)[12] Ziai Liu, Huanxi Zheng, Yan Chen, Yuqi Han, Liu Huang, Xuyue Wang, Xin Liu*, Xiaolong Yang*. Fabrication of Wettability Mesh with Quasi-Rectangular-Restraining Capacity to Water. Langmuir, 2019, 35: 9177-9183. (SCI;IF3.9;JCR-Q1区)[11]Ziai Liu, Xiaolong Yang(共同一作), Guibing Pang, Fan Zhang, Yuqi Han, Xuyue Wang, Xin Liu*, Xue, L.* Temperature-Based Adhesion Tuning and Superwettability Switching on Superhydrophobic Aluminum Surface for Droplet Manipulations. Surface and Coatings Technology, 2019, 375: 527-533. (SCI;IF5.4;JCR-Q1区)2018年:[10]Xiaolong Yang, Breedveld Victor, Won Tae Choi, et al. Underwater Curvature-Driven Transport between Oil Droplets on Patterned Substrates. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2018, 10: 15258−15269. (SCI;IF9.5;中科院一区Top)2017年:[9] Xiaolong Yang, Jinlong Song*, Huanxi Zheng, et al. Anisotropic Sliding on Dual-Rail Hydrophilic Tracks. Lab on a Chip, 2017, 17(6): 1041-1050. (SCI;IF6.1;中科院一区Top;背部封面论文)[8] Xiaolong Yang, Xin Liu, Dennis W. Hess, et al. Underwater Oil Droplet Splitting on a Patterned Template. Langmuir, 2017, 33 (47): 13522-13529. (SCI;IF3.9;JCR-Q1区)[7] Xiaolong Yang, Jinlong Song*, Junkai Liu, et al. A Twice Electrochemical-Etching Method to Fabricate Superhydrophobic-Superhydrophilic Patterns for Biomimetic Fog Harvest. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7: 8816. (SCI;IF4.6;JCR-Q1区)[6] Won Tae Choi, Xiaolong Yang (共同一作), Breedveld Victor, et al. Creation of Wettability Contrast Patterns on Metallic Surfaces via Pen Drawn Masks. Applied Surface Science, 2017, 426: 1241-1248. (SCI;IF6.7;JCR-Q1区)2016年:[5] Xiaolong Yang, Xin Liu, Yao Lu, et al. Controllable Water Adhesion and Anisotropic Sliding on Patterned Superhydrophobic Surface for Droplet Manipulation. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2016, 120(13): 7233-7240. (SCI;IF3.7;JCR-Q1区)[4] Xiaolong Yang, Xin Liu*, Jinlong Song*, et al. Patterning of Water Traps Using Close-Loop Hydrophilic Micro Grooves. Applied Surface Science, 2016, 389: 447-454. (SCI;IF6.7;JCR-Q1区)[3] Xiaolong Yang, Xin Liu, Yao Lu, et al. Controlling the Adhesion of Superhydrophobic Surfaces Using Electrolyte Jet Machining Techniques. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6: 23985. (SCI;IF4.6;JCR-Q1区)2015年:[2] Xiaolong Yang, Xin Liu, Juan Li, et al. Directional Transport of Water Droplets on Superhydrophobic Aluminium Alloy Surface. Micro & Nano Letters, 2015, 10(7): 343-346. (SCI)2013年:[1] Xiaolong Yang, Jinlong Song, Wenji Xu*, et al. Anisotropic Sliding of Multiple-level Biomimetic Rice-Leaf Surfaces on Aluminium Substrates. Micro & Nano Letters, 2013, 8(11): 801-804. (SCI)获奖情况:南京航空航天大学“长空学者”计划—“长空之星”英国工程技术学会“The IET Premium Awards”2020 Journal of Materials Science 1月最佳论文,Cahn Best Paper Prize入围奖International Conference on Materials Engineering and Nanotechnology 最佳口头报告奖大连理工大学第十届“博士生学术之星”大连理工大学优秀博士论文大连市优秀科技成果奖二等奖大连理工大学“校园十佳歌手”社会兼职:多个国际知名SCI期刊审稿专家:Chemical Reviews、Advanced Functional Materials、ACS Nano、Materials Today Physics、ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces、Lab on a Chip、Journal of Manufacturing Processes、Applied Surface Science、Journal of Colloid and Interface Science、Langmuir、Colloids and Surfaces A、Journal of Materials Science、ACS Omega、Science China Technological Sciences、The Journal of Physical Chemistry、ACS Applied Bio Materials、Micro & Nano Letters.