  • 徐忠扬
  • Doctoral Degree in Science
  • Other specialties in Electronic Science And Technology. Physical Electronics
  • College of Electronic and Information Engineering

Educational Experience

  • 2010.92015.7

     清华大学   物理学   Doctoral Degree in Science   With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study 

  • 2006.92010.6

     中山大学   物理学   Bachelor's Degree in Science   University graduated 

Work Experience

  • 2015.92017.1



Personal Information

教育经历:2010-2015 清华大学 物理系 博士2006-2010 中山大学 物理科学与工程技术学院 学士工作经历2024-至今 南京航空航天大学 电子信息工程学院 副教授 博导2021-2024 南京航空航天大学 电子信息工程学院 副教授 硕导2017-2021 南京航空航天大学 电子信息工程学院 讲师 硕导2015-2017 上海激光等离子体研究所 助理研究员联系方式:xzy at nuaa.edu.cn科研情况主要从事微波光子技术与自由空间光学交叉领域的研究,探索微波光波融合技术在相干激光探测、自由空间光载射频、时间频率同步等领域的应用。与航天科技,中国电科,华为等单位合作,开展调频连续波相干激光雷达、自由空间光载射频传输链路等方面的研究。主持基础加强重点项目课题2项,创新特区重点项目课题1项、国家自然科学基金2项、江苏省双创计划1项,共同主持国家重点研发计划项目1项(校内共同负责人)等。以第一作者或通信作者身份在Laser and Photonics Reviews (影响因子:10.947),Photonics Research (影响因子:7.254),IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement (影响因子:5.532)等期刊共发表论文十余篇。授权发明专利7项,美国发明专利1项。受邀在Piers 2019,OMTA 2019,OIT2021等做邀请报告。入选江苏省“双创博士”计划,南京航空航天大学“长空学者”,2023年“中国微波光子学术新星”。担任领域旗舰会议2023 IEEE微波光子学年会的Publish Co-Chair,第八届微波光子学技术及应用研讨会专题分会委员。担任IEEE Access, IEEE Journal of Lightwave technology, Optics Letters, Optics Express等期刊审稿人。研究方向调频连续波激光雷达;光载无线射频;光纤光学期刊论文:1. Z. Y. Xu† , X. Y. Sun†, Y. W. Zhang, Y. Yang, X. C. Wang and S. L. Pan. "Absolute time delay measurement over an existing radio over free-space optical link with sub-picosecond accuracy." Laser & Photonics Reviews, 2023, 2200835. 2. B. W. Qiu , G. Hu , Z. Y. Xu#, X. B. Zhu, Y. M. Zhang, S. L. Pan. "Frequency-Modulated Continuous-Wave Laser Ranging With Sub-Nyquist Sampling Rate Using Asymmetric Chirped Waveforms." IEEE Sensors Letters, 2022, 6(11): 2475-14723. B. W. Qiu, Y. W. Zhang, X. Y. Sun, Z. Y. Xu#, X. Liang, D. Wang and S. L. Pan. "Laser Ranging With Micrometer Precision and kHz Rate via Joint Frequency-Phase Measurement." IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 2022, 34(22), 1214-1217.4. Z. Y. Xu, F. X. Yu, B. W. Qiu, Y. W. Zhang, Y. X. Sun and S. L. Pan, "Coherent random-modulated con-tinuous-wave LiDAR based on phase-coded subcarrier modulation (invited paper)" Photonics 2021, 8(11), 475.5. Z. Y. Xu† , X. Y. Sun† , F. X. Yu, K. Chen, and S. L. Pan, " FMCW laser ranging using low-duty-cycle signals for the applications of real-time super-resolved ranging," Optics Letters, 46, 258-261, (2021). 6. Z. Y. Xu, J. N. Zhao, F. Z. Zhang, L. J. Zhang, T. W. Yang, Q. R. Li, and S. L. Pan, " Photonics-based radar-lidar integrated system for multi-sensor fusion applications," IEEE Sensors Journal, 20, 15068-15074, (2020). 7. Z. Y. Xu, K. Chen, X. Y. Sun, K. L. Zhang, Y. C. Wang, J. Deng, and S. L. Pan, "Frequency-Modulated Continuous-Wave Coherent Lidar With Downlink Communications Capability," IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 32, 655-658, (2020). 8. Z. Y. Xu,H. X. Zhang, K. Chen, and S. L. Pan, "FMCW Lidar Using Phase-Diversity Coherent Detection to Avoid Signal Aliasing," IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 31, 1822-1825 (2019).9. Z. Y. Xu, H. X. Zhang, K. Chen, and S. L. Pan, "Compact All-fiber Polarization Coherent Lidar Based on a Polarization Modulator," IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement, vol. 69, no. 5, pp. 2193 - 2198.10. Z. Y. Xu, K. Chen, H. X. Zhang, and S. L. Pan, "Multifunction Lidar System Based on Polarization-Division Multiplexing," IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 37, no. 9, pp. 2000-2007, May 2019. 11. Z. Y. Xu, L. Z. Tang, H. X. Zhang, and S. L. Pan, "Simultaneous real-time measurement of distance and velocity via a chirped lidar based on dual-sideband modulation," IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 29, 2254-2257 (2017).12. Z. Y. Xu, Y. H. Li, J. Wang, “Long-period grating inscription on polymer functionalized optical microfibers and its applications in optical sensing,” Photonic Research, 4, 45-48 (2016).13. Z. Y. Xu, Y. H. Li, and L. J. Wang, “In situ fine tailoring of group velocity dispersion in optical microfibers via nanocoatings,” Optics Express, 22, 28338-28345 (2014).14. Z. Y. Xu, Y. H. Li, and L. J. Wang, “Versatile technique to functionalize optical microfibers via a modified sol-gel dip-coating method,” Optics Letters, 39, 34-36 (2014).11. 孙修远,王辉,徐忠扬*,冯利鹏,王祥传,潘时龙,“ 基于相推法的空间光载射频链路绝对延时测量”,上海航天,2022,39(02).12. 徐忠扬,张洪祥,陈凯,潘时龙,“ 调频连续波激光雷达技术进展” 真空电子技术,4, 18-26 (2019).代表性项目:1)国家自然科学基金面上项目,面向自由空间微波光子链路的高精度绝对延时测量方法研究,2021/01-2025/12.2)国家自然科学基金青年项目,利用表面微结构调控微纳光纤偏振特性的研究,2016/01-2019/12.3)江苏省高层次创新创业人才引进计划“双创博士”项目,基于微纳光纤的微波光子器件研究,2019/01-2021/12.4)上海航天科技创新基金项目,星间光载射频信号传输链路研究,2019/01-2021/12.5)国家重点研发计划课题,*****信号微波光子快速探测技术,2020/12-2023/12.教学任务:1. 光电子技术基础,专业必修课,56课时2. 诺贝尔奖与现代信息技术,公选课,32课时3. 激光原理与应用,研究生课,16课时招生信息:每年1到2名硕士研究生,欢迎电子,物理,光学工程专业的学生报考。就业情况:2020年毕业硕士生1人,就业单位:中航工业2021年毕业硕士生1人,就业单位:华为2012实验室2022年毕业硕士生2人:就业单位:本校读博、华为2023年毕业硕士生2人:就业单位:航天科工、牧镭激光(返校读博)2023年毕业硕士生2人:就业单位:航天科工、航天八院

  • Gender:Male
  • Alma Mater:清华大学
  • Education Level:清华大学
  • Degree:Doctoral Degree in Science
  • Business Address:电子信息工程学院116
  • E-Mail:
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