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2018年7月毕业于哈尔滨工业大学,获工学博士学位。主要从事飞行器动力学与控制、运动稳定性及其控制、先进控制理论及其航空航天应用等方面的研究。对复杂约束条件下飞行器姿轨动力学建模与控制、机器人在轨服务、智能控制算法分析与综合等方面进行了系统深入的研究,已发表SCI检索论文20余篇,他引200余次,授权发明专利9项,其中以第一作者/通讯作者在IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics、IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems、Aerospace Science and Technology、Nonlinear Dynamics、IET Control Theory and Applications、Journal of the Franklin Institute、ISA Transctions等国际刊物上发表SCI论文10余篇,发表国内外学术会议论文多篇,主持国家自然科学基金青年项目、江苏省自然科学基金青年项目、中国博士后科学基金面上项目、航天五院合作项目等,作为骨干成员参与载人航天工程预研、民用航天预研、国家重点研发计划等重大科研项目多项。欢迎飞行器设计、自动化、力学、数学、机械等学科专业本科生报考研究生,每年招收航空宇航科学与技术和机械方向的硕士研究生2名,邮箱:shidongxu@nuaa.edu.cn。

       航空学会会员、美国电子电气工程师协会会员(IEEE Member)、担任IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics、IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems、IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems、Aerospace Science and Technology、Nonlinear Dynamics、IET Control Theory and Applications、Journal of the Franklin Institute、ISA Transctions、应用数学和力学等期刊审稿人。

[1]. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,2020-01至2022-12,在研,主持;
[2]. 江苏省自然科学基金青年项目,2019-07至2022-06,在研,主持;
[3]. 中国博士后科学基金面上项目,2021-07至2023-06,在研,主持;
[4]. 航天五院合作项目,2021-01至2021-12,在研,主持;
[5]. 民用航天技术预研项目,在研,第二负责人,主持;
[6]. 载人航天工程预研项目,在研,参与;
[7]. 国家重点研发计划,在研,参与。


[1]. Shidong Xu*, Zhengtao Wei, Zheng Huang, Hao Wen, Dongping Jin. Fuzzy-logic-based robust attitude control of networked spacecraft via event-triggered mechanism. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 2021, 57(1): 206-226.
[2]. Shidong Xu, Guanghui Sun*, Zhiqiang Ma, Xiaolei Li. Fractional-order fuzzy sliding mode control for the deployment of tethered satellite system under input saturation. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 2019, 55(2): 747-756.
[3]. Guanghui Sun, Shidong Xu*(通信), Zhan Li. Finite-time fuzzy sampled-data control for nonlinear flexible spacecraft with stochastic actuator failures. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2017, 64(5): 3851-3861.
[4]. Shidong Xu*, Hao Wen, Zheng Huang, Dongping Jin. A fuzzy control scheme for deployment of space tethered system with tension constraint. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2020, 106: 106143.
[5]. Shidong Xu*, Hao Wen, Zheng Huang. Robust fuzzy sampled-data attitude control of spacecraft with actuator saturation and persistent disturbance. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2020, 101: 105850.
[6]. Shidong Xu*, Hao Wen, Xiaoyu Wang. Observer-based robust fuzzy control of nonlinear networked systems with actuator saturation. ISA Transactions, 2021, available online , DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.isatra.2021.05.037    
[7]. Shidong Xu, Guanghui Sun*, Zhan Li. Finite frequency vibration suppression for space flexible structures in tip position control. International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems, 2018, 16(3): 1021-1029.
[8]. Shidong Xu, Guanghui Sun*, Jianxing Liu, Zhan Li. Reliable finite-time robust control for sampled-data mechanical systems under stochastic actuator failures. ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, 2018, 140(2): 021003.
[9]. Shidong Xu, Guanghui Sun*, Weichao Sun. Takagi–Sugeno fuzzy model based robust dissipative control for uncertain flexible spacecraft with saturated time-delay input. ISA transactions, 2017, 66: 105-121.
[10]. Shidong Xu, Guanghui Sun*, Weichao Sun. Fuzzy logic based fault-tolerant attitude control for nonlinear flexible spacecraft with sampled-data input. Journal of the Franklin Institute, 2017, 354(5): 2125-2156.
[11]. Shidong Xu, Guanghui Sun*, Zhan Li, Hui Zheng. Finite-time robust fuzzy control for non-linear Markov jump systems under aperiodic sampling and actuator constraints. IET Control Theory & Applications, 2017, 11(15): 2419-2431.
[12]. Shidong Xu, Guanghui Sun*, Weichao Sun. Fault-tolerant finite frequency   control for uncertain mechanical system with input delay and constraint. Asian Journal of Control, 2017, 19(2): 765-780.
[13]. Shidong Xu, Guanghui Sun*, Weichao Sun. Reliable sampled-data vibration control for uncertain flexible spacecraft with frequency range limitation. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2016, 86(2): 1117-1135.

[1]. Shidong Xu*, Zheng Huang. Robust fuzzy attitude stabilization of networked spacecraft under actuator saturation and persistent disturbance. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 2020, 53(2), 14869-14875.
[2]. Shidong Xu*, Finite frequency robust vibration control of flexible-rigid coupled spacecraft. In ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Nov. 2020, Vol. 84553, p. V07BT07A018.
[3]. Shidong Xu*, Hao Wen. Robust Fuzzy Attitude Control of Sampled-Data Spacecraft with Actuator Saturation. In 2020 39th Chinese Control Conference (CCC), July 2020: 6867-6873.
[4]. Shidong Xu*, Guanghui Sun., Zhihang Cheng. Fractional order modeling and residual vibration suppression for flexible two-mass system. In 2017 29th Chinese Control And Decision Conference (CCDC), May 2017: 3658-3664.

1. 一种基于ISA总线带有滤波功能的线阵扫描工业相机的触发方法. 专利号:ZL201310187889.4
2. 全自动贴片机吸嘴头轴原点快速定位的方法. 专利号:ZL201310213077.2
3. 用于控制全自动贴片机悬臂横梁沿Y轴高精度同步运动的方法及装置. 专利号:ZL201410028002.1
4. 贴片机Y轴伺服电机的速度规划方法. 专利号:ZL201410028005.5
5. 面向高速嵌入式控制系统的PCI多功能数字控制系统. 专利号:ZL201410028036.0
6. 全自动贴片机在DOS操作系统下的实时采样控制系统及方法. 专利号:ZL201410028004.0
7. 应用于高速表面贴装装置的多模式高速数据采集系统及多模式高速数据采集方法. 专利号:ZL201410028595.1
8. 全自动贴片机吸嘴头升降轴机械原点定位电气控制方法. 专利号:ZL201410028001.7
9. 一种刚-柔耦合机电伺服系统的振动控制方法. 专利号:ZL201910481968.3

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Supervisor of Master's Candidates


Alma Mater:哈尔滨工业大学

Education Level:哈尔滨工业大学

Degree:Doctoral Degree in Engineering


Discipline:Flight Vehicle Design. Engineering Mechanics

Business Address:A18号楼1108室

Contact Information:shidongxu@nuaa.edu.cn


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