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Numerical investigation of improving the performance of a single expansion ramp nozzle at off-design conditions by secondary injection

Date of Publication:2017-04-01 Hits:

Affiliation of Author(s):能源与动力学院
Key Words:Single expansion ramp nozzle Poor performance Over-expanded condition Improve Secondary injection
Abstract:The performance of a single expansion ramp nozzle (SERN) is poor due to over-expansion at off-design conditions. The present study focuses on improving the SERN performance by secondary injection on the cowl and is carried out by using the kappa-epsilon RNG turbulence model. The incidence shock wave resulting from the secondary injection impinges on the expansion ramp, resulting in separation and the increase of the pressure distribution along the ramp. The performance of the SERN can be improved significantly, and the augmentation of the thrust coefficient, lift and pitch moment can be as high as 3.16%, 29.43% and 41.67%, respectively, when the nozzle pressure ratio (NPR) is 10. The location of the injection has a considerable effect on the lift and pitching moment, and the direction of the pitch moment can be changed from nose-up to nose-down when the injection is on the tail of the cowl. The effect of the injection on the axial thrust coefficient is much more apparent, if the operation NPR is far from the design point, and however, the results for the lift and pitching moment are opposite. The increases of injection total pressure and injection width have positive impacts on the SERN performance. And if the parameter phi maintains constant, the axial thrust coefficient would increase when the injection total presure decreases, so low energy flow can also be used as the secondary injection without decreasing the lift and pitching moment. The mass flow rate of the injection can be decreased by applying the higher total temperature flow without reducing the performance of the SERN.
ISSN No.:0094-5765
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2017-04-01
Correspondence Author:Xu Jinglei