Professor Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Education Level:北京科技大学
Degree:Doctoral Degree in Engineering
School/Department:College of Material Science and Technology
Discipline:Material Process Engineering. Material Science
Affiliation of Author(s):材料科学与技术学院
Key Words:alpha-Nb5Si3 Ductility Elastic anisotropy Thermal expansion First-principles
Abstract:The effect of Ag additions on the structural, mechanical and thermodynamic properties of alpha-Nb5Si3 is systematically investigated using the first-principles calculations based on density functional theory. The calculated formation enthalpies show that when Nb atoms in alpha-Nb5Si3 are replaced by one and two Ag atoms, Ag atoms prefer Nb-4c sites rather than Nb-161 sites. With increasing concentration of Ag atoms, the elastic moduli and theoretical Vickers hardness of the alpha-(Nb1-xAgx)(5)Si-3 compounds decrease, while they become more ductile. Ag additions slightly raise the mechanical anisotropies of alpha-(Nb1-xAgx)(5)Si-3 compounds and increases the linear thermal expansion coefficients of the alpha-(Nb1-xAgx)(5)Si-3 compounds along the c and a axes, with a decrease in the alpha(c)/alpha(a) ratios. Finally, the anisotropy of acoustic velocities and Debye temperatures for the alpha-(Nb1-xAgx)(5)Si-3 compounds were also calculated.
ISSN No.:0921-4526
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2019-07-01
Co-author:Guo, Bo,lxl,Jiang, Shuyun,Munroe, Paul,Xie, Zong-Han
Correspondence Author:徐江
主要研究方向为纳米涂层的强韧化设计与电化学表征、新型电催化涂层以及生物抗菌涂层的性能研究。先后主持国家自然科学基金项目6项、航空科学基金2项、江苏省自然科学基金重点和面上各 1 项。2016年获得江苏省科技进步一等奖(排名第二),2009年获得教育部高校科技优秀成果奖科技进步二等奖(排名第二)。
★1.纳米涂层的性能研究; ☆2.第一性原理计算; ○3.高性能电催化涂层
相关科研成果以第一作者或通讯作者身份在Angewandte Chemie International Edition,Advanced Energy Materials, Small, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, Acta Biomaterialia, Acta Materialia,ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,Nanoscale, Journal of Power Sources, Ultrasonics Sonochemistry,Electrochemistry Communications,Journal of Physical Chemistry C,Electrochimica Acta, Corrosion Science, Journal of Materials Chemistry B, ACS ES&T Engineering,Scripta Materialia,《金属学报》,《中国科学E辑》等国内外著名SCI收录刊物发表论文一百七十余篇。出版专著《等离子表面冶金纳米涂层的性能研究》获得2020年国家出版基金项目以及“十三五”国家重点图书、音像、电子出版物出版规划项目的资助。
1.Yuhao Chen, Jiang Xu*,Yujie Chen*, Luqi Wang, Shuyun Jiang, Zong-Han Xie, Tianran Zhang, Paul Munroe, Shengjie Peng*, Rapid Defect Engineering in FeCoNi/FeAl2O4 Hybrid for Enhanced Oxygen Evolution Catalysis: A Pathway to High-Performance Electrocatalysts,Angewandte Chemie International Edition,2024, e202405372
2. Minming Jiang, Jiang Xu*, Yujie Chen*, Luqi Wang, Paul Munroe, Zong-Han Xie, Shengjie Peng*, High-Efficiency Photo-Assisted Large Current-Density Water Splitting with Mott-Schottky Heterojunctions, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2024, e202415492
3.Minming Jiang, Jiang Xu*, Yujie Chen*, Luqi Wang, Paul Munroe, Zong-Han Xie, Shengjie Peng*, Interstitial Doping in Ultrafine Nanocrystals for Efficient and Durable Water Splitting,Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2025, e202424195
4. Yuhao Chen, Jiang Xu*, Minming Jiang, Luqi Wang, Rui Ma, Yujie Chen, Zong-Han Xie, Paul Munroe, Feng Hu, Linlin Li, Shengjie Peng*, Enhancing Oxygen Evolution Reaction Performance:Electrochemical Activation of the Biphasic CoNi/Zn(Fe,Al,Cr)2O4 via Controlled Aluminum Leaching Facilitated Surface Reconstruction, Advanced Energy Materials,2024, 2303450
5. Yuhao Chen, Jiang Xu*, Yujie Chen, Zong-Han Xie, Paul Munroe, Hybrid Metal/Spinel Oxide Coating with Microcone Arrays to Stimulate a Photothermal-Augmented Oxygen Evolution Reaction, Small, 2023, 2302781.
6.Jiang Xu*, Linlin Liu , Paul Munroe, Zong-Han Xie, Zhong-Tao, The nature and role of passive films in controlling the corrosion resistance of MoSi2-based nanocomposite coatings,Journal of Materials Chemistry A,2013, 1 (35), 10281 – 10291
7.Jiang Xu*, Daohui Lai, ZongHan Xie, Paul Munroe, Zhong-Tao Jiang, A critical role for Al in regulating the corrosion resistance of nanocrystalline Mo(Si1-xAlx)2 films, Journal Materials Chemistry, 2012, 22, 2596-2606.
8.Linlin Liu, Jiang Xu*, Zong-Han Xie , Paul Munroe, The roles of passive layers in regulating the electrochemical behavior of Ti5Si3-based nanocomposite films, Journal Materials Chemistry A, 2013, 1, 2064–2078.
9.Linlin Liu, Jiang Xu*, Paul Munroe, Jiake Xu, Zong-Han Xie, Electrochemical behavior of (Ti1 xNbx)5Si3 nanocrystalline films in simulated physiological media, Acta Biomaterialia, 10 (2014) 1005–1013
10.Jiang Xu*, Linlin Liu, Zhengyang Li, Paul Munroe, Zong-Han Xie,Niobium addition enhancing the corrosion resistance of nanocrystalline Ti5Si3 coating in H2SO4 solution,Acta Materialia,63 (2014) 245–260
11.Jiang Xu*, Shuang Peng, Zhengyang Li, Shuyun Jiang, Zong-Han Xie, Paul Munroe,The influence of semiconducting properties of passive films on thecavitation erosion resistance of a NbN nanoceramic coating,Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 71 (2021) 105406
12.Shuang Peng , Jiang Xu*, Shuyun Jiang, Zong-Han Xie, Paul Munroe,Unlocking the cavitation erosion-corrosion resistance of a TiCN nanocrystalline coating with an equiaxed grain structure,Corrosion Science, 195 (2022) 109978
13.Jiang Xu*, Yue Wang, Shuyun Jiang, The effects of substitution of Cr for Mo on the mechanical properties of nanocrystalline Mo5Si3 films, Nanoscale,2010,2:394-398.
14.Jiang Xu *, Shuang Peng, Zhengyang Li , Shuyun Jiang, Zong-Han Xie, Paul Munroe,Remarkable cavitation erosion–corrosion resistance of CoCrFeNiTiMo high-entropy alloy coatings,Corrosion Science, 190 (2021) 109663
15.Jiang Xu*,Chenzhi Zhuo, Dezhong Han, Jie Tao, Linlin Liu, Shuyun Jiang, Erosion-corrosion behaviour of nano-particle-reinforced Ni matrix composite alloying layer by duplex surface treatment in aqueous slurry environment, Corrosion Science,2009, 51(5):1055-1068.
16.Minming Jiang, Jiang Xu*, Chaowei Liu, Zong-Han Xie*, Paul R. Munroe, Enhanced corrosion resistance of NbTaMoW medium entropy alloy coatings in simulated PEMFC environments: Experimental and computational insights, Corrosion Science 240 (2024) 112499