
Professor   Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates  

Education Level:北京科技大学

Degree:Doctoral Degree in Engineering

School/Department:College of Material Science and Technology

Discipline:Material Process Engineering. Material Science


Paper Publications



Affiliation of Author(s):材料科学与技术学院


Key Words:Tantalum nitrides corrosion resistance electrochemical impedance dental application

Abstract:The development of new corrosion-resistant coatings is often challenging, but strongly driven by the potential benefits such coatings hold. A nanostructured Ta2N coating was deposited on a Ti-6Al-4V substrate in an Ar-N atmosphere using a double cathode glow discharge plasma method with the aim being to improve its corrosion resistance in oral environments. The microstructure of the coating was investigated by a range of methods including XRD, SEM-EDS and TEM. The as-deposited coating exhibited densely packed fibrous structure and the individual fibers were composed of equiaxed grains with an average grain size similar to 13 nm, arranged along the longitudinal axis of the individual fibers. The electrochemical behavior of the Ta2N nanocrystalline coating was characterized in artificial saliva containing different NaF concentrations by a range of electrochemical techniques, including potentiodynamic measurement, EIS, capacitance and PZFC measurements. It was shown that the coating possessed superior corrosion resistance compared to uncoated Ti-6Al-4V, because its passive film exhibited higher stability against the fluoride ion attack.

ISSN No.:0218-625X

Translation or Not:no

Date of Publication:2018-06-01

Co-author:麻锦锦,Munroe, Paul,Xie, Zong-Han

Correspondence Author:徐江

Pre One:In Vitro Corrosion Resistance of Ta2N Nanocrystalline Coating in Simulated Body Fluids

Next One:The influence of Ti additions on the mechanical and electrochemical behavior of beta-Ta5Si3 nanocrystalline coating



主要研究方向为纳米涂层的强韧化设计与电化学表征、新型电催化涂层以及生物抗菌涂层的性能研究。先后主持国家自然科学基金项目6项、航空科学基金2项、江苏省自然科学基金重点和面上各 1 项。2016年获得江苏省科技进步一等奖(排名第二),2009年获得教育部高校科技优秀成果奖科技进步二等奖(排名第二)。



★1.纳米涂层的性能研究; ☆2.第一性原理计算; ○3.高性能电催化涂层




相关科研成果以第一作者或通讯作者身份在Angewandte Chemie International Edition,Advanced Energy Materials, Small, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, Acta Biomaterialia, Acta Materialia,ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,Nanoscale, Journal of Power Sources, Ultrasonics Sonochemistry,Electrochemistry Communications,Journal of Physical Chemistry C,Electrochimica Acta, Corrosion Science, Journal of Materials Chemistry B, ACS ES&T Engineering,Scripta Materialia,《金属学报》,《中国科学E辑》等国内外著名SCI收录刊物发表论文一百七十余篇。出版专著《等离子表面冶金纳米涂层的性能研究》获得2020年国家出版基金项目以及“十三五”国家重点图书、音像、电子出版物出版规划项目的资助。


1.Yuhao Chen, Jiang Xu*,Yujie Chen*, Luqi Wang, Shuyun Jiang, Zong-Han Xie, Tianran Zhang, Paul Munroe, Shengjie Peng*, Rapid Defect Engineering in FeCoNi/FeAl2O4 Hybrid for Enhanced Oxygen Evolution Catalysis: A Pathway to High-Performance Electrocatalysts,Angewandte Chemie International Edition,2024, e202405372

2. Minming Jiang, Jiang Xu*, Yujie Chen*, Luqi Wang, Paul Munroe, Zong-Han Xie, Shengjie Peng*, High-Efficiency Photo-Assisted Large Current-Density Water Splitting with Mott-Schottky Heterojunctions, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2024,  e202415492

3.Minming Jiang, Jiang Xu*, Yujie Chen*, Luqi Wang, Paul Munroe, Zong-Han Xie, Shengjie Peng*, Interstitial Doping in Ultrafine Nanocrystals for Efficient and Durable Water Splitting,Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2025, e202424195

4. Yuhao Chen, Jiang Xu*, Minming Jiang, Luqi Wang, Rui Ma, Yujie Chen, Zong-Han Xie, Paul Munroe, Feng Hu, Linlin Li, Shengjie Peng*, Enhancing Oxygen Evolution Reaction Performance:Electrochemical Activation of the Biphasic CoNi/Zn(Fe,Al,Cr)2O4 via Controlled Aluminum Leaching Facilitated Surface Reconstruction, Advanced Energy Materials,2024, 2303450

5. Yuhao Chen, Jiang Xu*, Yujie Chen, Zong-Han Xie, Paul Munroe, Hybrid Metal/Spinel Oxide Coating with Microcone Arrays to Stimulate a Photothermal-Augmented Oxygen Evolution Reaction, Small, 2023, 2302781.

6.Jiang Xu*, Linlin Liu , Paul Munroe, Zong-Han Xie, Zhong-Tao, The nature and role of passive films in controlling the corrosion resistance of MoSi2-based nanocomposite coatings,Journal of Materials Chemistry A,2013, 1 (35), 10281 – 10291

7.Jiang Xu*, Daohui Lai, ZongHan Xie, Paul Munroe, Zhong-Tao Jiang, A critical role for Al in regulating the corrosion resistance of nanocrystalline Mo(Si1-xAlx)2 films, Journal Materials Chemistry, 2012, 22, 2596-2606.

8.Linlin Liu, Jiang Xu*, Zong-Han Xie , Paul Munroe, The roles of passive layers in regulating the electrochemical behavior of Ti5Si3-based nanocomposite films, Journal Materials Chemistry A, 2013, 1, 2064–2078.

9.Linlin Liu, Jiang Xu*, Paul Munroe, Jiake Xu, Zong-Han Xie, Electrochemical behavior of (Ti1 xNbx)5Si3 nanocrystalline films in simulated physiological media, Acta Biomaterialia, 10 (2014) 1005–1013

10.Jiang Xu*, Linlin Liu, Zhengyang Li, Paul Munroe, Zong-Han XieNiobium addition enhancing the corrosion resistance of nanocrystalline Ti5Si3 coating in H2SO4 solutionActa Materialia63 (2014) 245–260

11.Jiang Xu*, Shuang Peng, Zhengyang Li, Shuyun Jiang, Zong-Han Xie, Paul MunroeThe influence of semiconducting properties of passive films on thecavitation erosion resistance of a NbN nanoceramic coatingUltrasonics Sonochemistry 71 (2021) 105406

12.Shuang Peng , Jiang Xu*, Shuyun Jiang, Zong-Han Xie, Paul MunroeUnlocking the cavitation erosion-corrosion resistance of a TiCN nanocrystalline coating with an equiaxed grain structureCorrosion Science, 195 (2022) 109978

13.Jiang Xu*, Yue Wang, Shuyun Jiang, The effects of substitution of Cr for Mo on the mechanical properties of nanocrystalline Mo5Si3 films, Nanoscale,2010,2:394-398.

14.Jiang Xu *, Shuang Peng, Zhengyang Li , Shuyun Jiang, Zong-Han Xie, Paul Munroe,Remarkable cavitation erosion–corrosion resistance of CoCrFeNiTiMo high-entropy alloy coatingsCorrosion Science, 190 (2021) 109663

15.Jiang Xu*,Chenzhi Zhuo, Dezhong Han, Jie Tao, Linlin Liu, Shuyun Jiang, Erosion-corrosion behaviour of nano-particle-reinforced Ni matrix composite alloying layer by duplex surface treatment in aqueous slurry environment, Corrosion Science,2009, 51(5):1055-1068.

16.Minming Jiang, Jiang Xu*, Chaowei Liu, Zong-Han Xie*, Paul R. Munroe, Enhanced corrosion resistance of NbTaMoW medium entropy alloy coatings in simulated PEMFC environments: Experimental and computational insights, Corrosion Science 240 (2024) 112499


