
Associate Professor
Supervisor of Master's Candidates

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在相关领域国内外学术会议上做大会/特邀报告/分会场主席/分会场报告16次。以第一/通讯作者发表学术论文24篇,参与撰写增材制造英文手册类书籍《Springer Handbook of Additive Manufacturing》,1.1万字,入选全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单(2023、2024年)。申请国家发明专利25项;获陶瓷领域知名国际期刊《Journal of the American Ceramic Society》年度“最佳论文奖”、2021年度“中国百篇最具影响国内学术论文”、中国机械工程学会优秀论文等。担任中国机械工程学会增材制造技术分会青年委员、中国有色金属学会增材制造技术专业委员会委员,担任英文期刊DMT、FMT期刊客座编辑、机械工程学报、中国科技期刊卓越行动计划“高起点新刊”《增材制造前沿(英文)》(年度优秀青年编委)、APM等青年编委。指导学生获江苏省“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛三等奖、“华瑞杯”首届南京航空航天大学科创融合成果转化竞赛铜奖、“群星”创新奖,指导研究生科研实践创新项目4项,本科生科创项目6项。


(1)Lixia Xi; Lili Feng; Dongdong Gu; Konda Gokuldoss Prashanth; Ivan Kaban; Ruiqi Wang; Ke Xiong; Baran Sarac; Jürgen Eckert; Microstructure formation and mechanical performance of micro-nanoscale ceramic reinforced aluminum matrix composites manufactured by laser powder bed fusion, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2023(939): 168803.

(2)Lixia Xi; Lili Feng; Dongdong Gu; Ruiqi Wang; Baran Sarac; Konda Gokuldoss Prashanth; Jürgen Eckert; ZrC+TiC synergically reinforced metal matrix composites with micro/nanoscale reinforcements prepared by laser powder bed fusion, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2022(19): 4645-4657.

(3) Lixia Xi; Qiuyang Lu; Dongdong Gu; Shaoting Cao; Han Zhang; Ivan Kaban; Baran Sarac; Konda Gokuldoss Prashanth; Jürgen Eckert; Circumventing Solidification Cracking Susceptibility in Al–Cu Alloys Prepared by Laser Powder Bed Fusion, 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing, 2022.

(4)Lixia Xi*; Qiuyang Lu; Ruiqi Wang; Lili Feng; Effect of carbon nanotubes on the microstructure and tribological properties of in situ synthesized MWCNTs/Ti6Al4V composites fabricated by Selective laser melting, Optics & Laser Technology, 2022(153): 108176.

(5)Lixia Xi; Kai Ding; Dongdong Gu; Shuang Guo; Mengzhen Cao; Jie Zhuang; Kaijie Lin; Ilya Okulov; Baran Sarac; Jürgen Eckert; Konda Gokuldoss Prashanth; Interfacial structure and wear properties of selective laser melted Ti/(TiC+TiN) composites with high content of reinforcements, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2021(870):159436.

(6)Lixia Xi, Dongdong Gu*, Shuang Guo, Ruiqi Wang, Kai Ding, Konda Gokuldoss Prashanth, Grain refinement in laser manufactured Al-based composites with TiB2 ceramic, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2020, 9(3): 2611-2622.


(1) Lixia Xi, Dongdong Gu, Kai Ding, Mengzhen Cao, Jie Zhuang, Shuang Guo, Wear-resistant ceramic- reinforced titanium alloy material with TiC and TiN reinforcement phases and preparation method therefor, International Application No. PCT/CN2021/110799, Application Date 05.08.2021, Publication No. WO2022/028517, Patent No. GB 2624471, 2024-11-27.

(2)席丽霞; 顾冬冬; 丁凯; 曹梦臻; 庄杰; 郭爽, 一种耐磨损梯度界面复相增强钛合金材料及其制备方法. 申请日: 2020-08-07, 专利授权号: ZL 202010787663.8

(3)席丽霞, 丁凯, 顾冬冬. 一种纳米多相增强铝基复合材料及其制备方法. 申请日:2021-02-05, 专利授权号: ZL 202110162047.8

(4)席丽霞, 陆秋阳, 顾冬冬. 一种基于超声处理辅助激光3D打印纳米粒子修饰Al-Cu合金的晶粒细化方法. 申请日:2021-08-10, 专利授权号: ZL 202110913609.8

(5)席丽霞, 冯丽莉, 顾冬冬. 一种高密度跨尺度固溶陶瓷增强铝基复合材料及其制备方法. 申请日:2021-09-16, 专利授权号: ZL 202111086586.4

(6)席丽霞, 顾冬冬, 徐俊灿, 耿晓锋. 一种核壳结构增强改性铝合金材料及其制备方法. 申请日:2022-07-08,专利授权号: ZL 202210805089.3





Educational Experience

  • 2012.11-2017.3  

    德累斯顿工业大学       材料学       With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study       Doctoral Degree in Engineering

  • 2009.9-2012.3  

    上海交通大学       材料学       With Certificate of Graduation for Study as Master's Candidates       Master's Degree in Engineering

Work Experience

  • 2022.1-Now

    南京航空航天大学      材料科学与技术学院      副研究员、副教授

  • 2017.11-2021.12

    南京航空航天大学      材料科学与技术学院      讲师

  • 2017.3-2017.11

    德国莱布尼茨固体材料研究所      博士后

Research Group

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