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Main positions:江苏省航空航天学会空降空投委员会委员、江苏省制冷学会教育工作委员会副主任委员、中国民航局航空医学组十四五专家组成员
江苏省航空航天学会空降空投专委会委员,江苏省制冷学会教育工作委员会副主任委员,中国民航局十四五航空医学组专家,中国航空学会会员,中国制冷学会会员,“上海交通大学学报”、“南京航空航天大学学报”、“航空学报”、“应用数学和力学”、“TNUAA”、“Chinese Journal of Aeronautics”、“Physics of Fluids”、“Aerospace Science and Technology”、“Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science”、“Ocean Engineering”、“Computers and Fluids”等国内外期刊审稿人。主要从事计算流体力学、飞行器环境控制与生命保障技术、环境流体力学以及空气动力学等领域的研究。
[1] Xu C. Y., Chen L. W. & Lu X. Y. Large-eddy simulation of the compressible flow past a wavy cylinder. Journal of Fluid Mechanics.2010,665: 238-273. (流体力学领域顶级期刊,SCI收录)
[2] Chen L. W., Xu C. Y. & Lu X. Y. Numerical investigation of the compressible flow past an airfoil. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2010, 643: 97-126. (流体力学领域顶级期刊,SCI收录)
[3] Xu C. Y., Chen L. W., Sun J. H. & Lu X. Y. Large eddy simulation of the transonic flow past a circular cylinder. The 8th Asian Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, Hong Kong, 10-14 January, 2010.
[4] Xu C. Y., Chen L. W. & Lu X. Y. Effect of Mach number on transonic flow past a circular cylinder. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2009, 54: 1886-1893. (SCI收录)
[5] Xu C. Y., Chen L. W. & Lu X. Y. Numerical investigation of shock wave and turbulence interaction over a circular cylinder. Modern Physics Letters B, 2009, 23:233-236. (SCI收录)
[6] Xu C. Y., Chen L. W. & Lu X. Y. Large-eddy and detached-eddy simulations of the separated flow around a circular cylinder. Journal of Hydrodynamics Ser. B, 2007, 19(5): 559-563. (EI收录)
[7] Lu X. Y., Chen L. W. & Xu C. Y. Numerical investigations of the compressible turbulent flow around a body. The 8th Asian Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, Hong Kong, 10-14 January, 2010.
[8] Chen L. W., Xu C. Y. & Lu X. Y. Large eddy simulation of opposing-jet-perturbed supersonic flow past a hemispherical nose. Modern Physics Letters B, 2010, 24: 1287-1290. (SCI收录)
[9] Chen L. W., Xu C. Y. & Lu X. Y. Numerical investigation of shock wave and turbulent boundary layer interaction on an airfoil. Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena. Seoul, Korea, April, 2009. (ISTP收录)
[10] XU C. Y., RAN Q. & SUN J. H. Hybrid scheme for compressible turbulent flow around curved surface body. Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics. 2011, 28: 315-323. (EI收录)
[11] XU C. Y., ZHAO L. Q. & SUN J. H. Large-eddy simulation of the compressible flow past a tabbed cylinder. Chinese Science Bulletin. 2012, 57:3203-3210. (SCI收录)
[12]陈立为,许常悦&陆夕云. 超声速来流下钝头体反向喷流的大涡模拟研究.第二届全国高超声速科技学术会议. 安徽,黄山,2009.
[13]王国蕾,陈立为,许常悦&陆夕云. 超声速来流中横向射流的DES 研究. 第二届全国高超声速科技学术会议. 安徽,黄山,2009.
[14] 许常悦,吴丹&孙建红. 可压缩湍流圆孔射流的大涡模拟. 南京航空航天学报. 2010, 42(5): 583-587.(EI收录)
[15]吴丹,许常悦&孙建红. 来流马赫数对座舱气动加热影响的数值模拟. 南京航空航天大学学报. 2011, 43: 464-469.(EI收录)
[16]许常悦,王从磊&孙建红. 圆柱跨声速绕流中的激波/湍流相互作用大涡模拟研究.空气动力学学报, 2012, 30:22-27.(EI收录)
[17]许常悦,赵立清,王从磊&孙建红. 趋于临界马赫数的圆柱跨声速绕流特性分析. 航空学报,2012,33:1984-1992.(EI收录)
[18]Xu C. Y.,Hu F. & Sun J. H. Large-eddy simulation of the compressible flow past a sinusoidal-axis cylinder. The Ninth Asian Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, Nanjing, October 10-14, 2012.
[19]赵立清,许常悦,孙建红. 分流板对圆柱可压缩绕流的被动控制. 第十五届全国计算流体力学会议, 2012.8.4-2012.8.7, 烟台.
[20]许常悦, 周涛, 赵立清, 孙建红. 平面引射器内部可压缩流动的大涡模拟. 中国计算力学大会'2012, 2012, 重庆.
[21]王从磊, 孙建红, 许常悦. 气囊充气初始阶段的数值研究. 中国计算力学大会'2012, 2012, 重庆.
[22]Chang-Yue Xu, Cong-Lei Wang, Li-Qing Zhao, Jian-Hong Sun. Large-eddy simulation of the compressible flow past a tilted cylinder. The 4th Asian Symposium on Computational Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow, Hong Kong, 3-6 June 2013.
[23]许常悦, 王从磊, 刘可. 绕方柱可压缩湍流的大涡模拟. 中国力学大会, 2013, 西安.
[24]Conglei Wang, Jianhong Sun, Changyue Xu. Numerical investigation of bumps and oscillation in the cylindrical membrane inflation. The 2nd International Conference on Advances in Computational Modeling and Simulation, 2013, Kunming.
[25]Zhao Liqing, Sun Jianhong, Xu Changyue. Oscillation phenomena in far field region of plane jets at low Reynolds numbers. Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics. 2013, 30(1): 17-23.
[26]许常悦, 周涛, 王从磊. 平面超声速引射器内部流动的大涡模拟. 航空学报, 2014, 35(8): 2136-2143. (EI收录)
[27]许常悦, 孙智, 王从磊. 偏斜来流对圆柱跨声速绕流的影响. 应用数学和力学, 2014, 35(10): 1135-1142.
[28]Chang-yue XU, Tao ZHOU, Cong-lei WANG, Jian-hong SUN. Applications of scale-adaptive simulation technique based on one-equation turbulence model. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (English Edition), 2015, 36(1): 121-130. (SCI,EI收录)
[29]许常悦, 赵鹏程, 张延泰. 绕波状圆柱的超声速湍流数值模拟.中国力学大会, 2015, 上海.
[30]王从磊, 孙建红, 许常悦, 侯斌. 流构耦合作用下柱状薄膜充气过程的流场. 航空动力学报, 2015, 30(7): 1661-1669. (EI收录)
[31]许常悦, 倪竹青, 张延泰. 适用于可压缩湍流的尺度自适应模拟方法及其应用. 第九届全国流体力学学术会议, 2016, 南京.
[32]许常悦, 孙智, 倪竹青. 一方程和两方程尺度自适应模拟方法的比较. 中国力学大会-2017, 2017, 北京.
[33]倪竹青,许常悦 ,孙智,超声速平面湍射流的大涡模拟和尺度自适应模拟,中国力学大会-2017, 2017, 北京.
[34]Chang-Yue Xu, Zhu-Qing Ni. Novel characteristics of wavy cylinder in supersonic turbulent flow. European Journal of Mechanics/B Fluids, 2018, 67: 158-167. (SCI收录)
[35]许常悦, 倪竹青, 孙智, 张延泰. 尺度自适应模拟和大涡模拟的关联性分析. 气体物理, 2018, 3(2): 47-56.
[36]Chang-Yue Xu, Tong Zhang, Yuan-Yuan Yu, Jian-Hong Sun. Effect of von Karman length scale in scale adaptive simulation approach on the prediction of supersonic turbulent flow. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2019, 86: 630-639.(SCI收录)
[37]Chang-Yue Xu, Yan-Tai Zhang, Bin Hou, Jian-Hong Sun. Numerical investigations of the compressible turbulent flow past wavy-axis cylinder. Fluid Dynamics Research, 2019, 51(5): 055502.(SCI收录)
[38] Chang-Yue Xu, Bin Hou, Zhe Wang, Yan-Tai Zhang, Jian-Hong Sun. Effect of Mach number on the compressible flow past a wavy-axis cylinder. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2020, 104: 105943.(SCI收录)
[39]Chang-Yue Xu, Zhi Sun, Yan-Tai Zhang, Jian-Hong Sun. Improvement of the scale-adaptive simulation technique based on a compensated strategy. European Journal of Mechanics / B Fluids, 2020, 81: 1-14.(SCI收录)
[40]Bin Wang, Jing Zheng, Yuanyuan Yu, Runmin Lv, Changyue Xu(通讯作者). Shock-Wave/Rail-Fasteners Interaction for Two Rocket Sleds in the Supersonic Flow Regime. Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing, 2020, 16(4): 675-684.(EI收录)
[41]许常悦, 郑静, 王哲, 王彬. 方柱跨声速流动中的剪切层和尾迹特性. 上海交通大学学报, 2021, 55(4): 403-411.(EI收录)
[42]张贺磊, 许常悦(通讯作者), 张玉莹, 吴惠祥. 民用飞机废水系统非定常三相流动特性研究. 航空工程进展, 2022, 13(2): 114-121.
[43]Yuanyuan Yu, Bin Wang, Changyue Xu, Jianhong Sun. Aerodynamic characteristics of supersonic rocket-sled involving waverider geometry. Applied Sciences, 2022: 127861. (SCI 收录)
[44]Chang-Yue Xu, Bin Wang, Hao Liu, Yuan Men, Jian-Hong Sun. Large-eddy simulation of the compressible flows around a wavy-axis square cylinder. Physics of Fluids, 2022, 34: 086107. (SCI 收录)
[45]胡仁强, 张涛, 卢柳韵, 许常悦. 封闭腔体排液孔的流量系数研究. 应用数学和力学, 2023, 44(1): 61-69.
[46]林晓辉, 秦曈, 杜涛, 邓新宇, 许常悦. 火箭垂直回收中发动机布局与喷流壁面效应影响研究. 宇航总体技术, 2023, 7(3): 1-8.
[47]林晓辉, 秦曈, 李宗儒, 杜涛, 许常悦. 类火星环境中火箭起降过程喷流影响研究. 宇航总体技术, 2023, 7(6): 12-23.
[48]Bin Wang, Xiao-Hui Lin, Hao Liu, Da-Ren Zheng, Wei-Hua Liu, Chang-Yue Xu. Scale-adaptive simulation of the separated flow past a 90^0-inclined prolate spheroid. Physics of Fluids, 2024, 36, 045101.