Affiliation of Author(s):自动化学院
Journal:JVC/J Vib Control
Abstract:The main aim of this paper is to establish the relationship between the airfoil flutter with the flight dynamics of a generic hypersonic flight vehicle (HFV) and analyze the airfoil damage variation during the airfoil flutter. Based on the motion equations of the two degrees of freedom airfoil model and the longitudinal dynamics of the HFV, an airfoil dynamic model is established. By using a coupling equation, the relationship between airfoil flutter and the flight dynamics is estimated. According to the stress–strain (σ-Ε) model and the strain–fatigue damage (Ε-δ) model, the influence of the stress on the airfoil flutter damage is analyzed. The simulation results show that the flutter of the airfoil is closely related to the flight dynamics for the HFV and the airfoil flutter damage is closely related to the flutter amplitude of the airfoil. © The Author(s) 2019.
ISSN No.:1077-5463
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2019-09-01
Co-author:Zhang, Xiaohui,Feng, Xingkai,Li, Yunxin
Correspondence Author:Wang Yuhui
Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Education Level:南京航空航天大学
Degree:Doctoral Degree in Engineering
School/Department:College of Automation Engineering
Discipline:Control Theory and Engineering. Control Science and Engineering
Business Address:自动化学院4号楼401
Contact Information:025-84892301-8023
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