
Professor   Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates  


Education Level:浙江大学

Degree:Doctoral Degree in Engineering

School/Department:College of Material Science and Technology

Discipline:Material Process Engineering. Material Science

Contact Information:13770686117


Paper Publications

Atomic level structural modulation during the structural relaxation and its effect on magnetic properties of Fe81Si4B10P4Cu1 nanocrystalline alloy


Affiliation of Author(s):材料科学与技术学院


Key Words:Structural relaxation Short-range order Defects Nanocrystallization Soft magnetic properties

Abstract:The evolution of local structure and defects in the Fe81Si4B10P4Cu1 amorphous alloy during the structural relaxation has been investigated by Mossbauer spectroscopy, positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy and transmission electron microscopy to explore their effects on magnetic properties of the nanocrystalline. The atomic rearrangements at the early stage of the structural relaxation cause the density increase of the amorphous matrix, but the subsequent atomic rearrangements contribute to the transformation of Fe3B-like atomic arrangements to FeB-like ones with the temperature increasing. As the structural relaxation processes, the released Fe atoms both from Fe3B- and Fe3P-like atomic arrangements result in the formation of new Fe clusters and the increase of Fe-Fe coordination number in the existing Fe clusters and the nucleation sites for alpha-Fe gradually increase, both of which promote the crystallization. However, the homogeneity of amorphous matrix will be finally destroyed under excessive relaxation temperature, which coarsens nanograins during the crystallization instead. Therefore, soft magnetic properties of the Fe81Si4B10P4Cu1 nanocrystalline alloy can be improved by pre-annealing the amorphous precursor at an appropriate temperature due to the atomic level structural optimization. (C) 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

ISSN No.:0304-8853

Translation or Not:no

Date of Publication:2018-06-15

Co-author:Cao, C. C.,朱力,孟洋,Zhai, X. B.

Correspondence Author:Wang YinGang

Pre One:Thermal dependence of structural and magnetic properties in an amorphous Fe-Si-B-Cu alloy

Next One:Study of structural and magnetic properties of Fe80P9B11 amorphous alloy by ab initio molecular dynamic simulation



1991年毕业于东南大学铸造专业,获学士学位;1994年毕业于东南大学铸造专业,获硕士学位;1997年毕业于浙江大学金属材料及热处理专业,获博士学位。1997-1999年,东南大学讲师;1999-2000年,德国于利希研究中心固体物理研究所客座科学家(Visiting Scientist);2000-2002年,英国牛津大学材料系助理研究员(Research Assistant);2002-2005年,英国格拉斯哥大学物理系助理研究员(Research Associate);20054月被引进到南京航空航天大学材料科学与技术学院任教授,2006年被评为博士生导师。2015年获江苏省六大人才高峰(B类,第十二批)人才计划支持。

长期从事功能材料(包括高性能磁性材料、功能陶瓷材料、新型磁//光功能材料等)与金属材料及其成形技术(包括非晶/纳米晶合金、纳米金属材料、先进铸造和热处理工艺等)的研究工作。先后完成英国EPSRC研究基金项目两项、国家自然科学基金项目三项、其它省级及企业技术开发项目十多项。在Applied Physics LettersScripta MaterialiaNature MaterialsACS Applied Materials & InterfacesJournal of Alloys and CompoundsCeramics International等刊物上发表SCI收录论文近200篇,总被引近2000篇次,获发明专利授权10多项(部分已产业化)。现为Advanced MaterialsAdvanced Functional MaterialsApplied Physics LettersActa MaterialiaScripta MaterialiaACS Applied Materials & Interfaces等二十多种国际期刊的审稿人。

2006年以来,已培养各类研究生近60名,其中博士生7名。目前,在读博士生1名,硕士生10名。已毕业硕士研究生的主要去向包括:1、担任公务员或选调生;2、进一步深造:如,Delft University of Technology、上海交大、南航、新南威尔士等;3、入职大型国企:如,上海航天、上飞、中航工业、中国电子科技集团等;4、入职高技术企业:如,三一重工、德州仪器、LG研究院、博世、A.O.斯密斯、长江存储、长鑫存储、迈瑞医疗、上海集成电路研发中心、华为等。在已毕业硕士研究生中,4人毕业论文获评江苏省优秀硕士学位论文。