Affiliation of Author(s):电子信息工程学院
Journal:Int. Workshop Electromagn.: Appl. Stud. Innov. Compet., iWEM
Abstract:In this paper, a phase random metasurfaces (PRMs) based on hexagon patch with two semi-circular slot has been presented. The novelty of the proposed design lies in its two corner semi-circular slots, which makes the resonant frequency varies with the circular radius. The range of shift phase is -170°∼160° for a fixed slot over 5GHz to 15GHz and phase difference between different slot is over 180° with a linear change. For TE-mode phase shift upwards high frequency from 10.5GHz to 14GHz, while for TM-mode phase variation is moving downwards from 10.5GHz to 9.2GHz. It can be analyzed and explained by the distinction of surface current distribution variation between the two polarized excitations. © 2017 IEEE.
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2017-07-05
Co-author:li you,Li, Huangyan,cqs
Correspondence Author:cqs,WANG Yi
Associate Professor
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Alma Mater:Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Degree:Doctoral Degree in Engineering
School/Department:College of Electronic and Information Engineering
Discipline:Electromagnetic Fields and Microwave Technology
Business Address:CEIE, NUAA, Nanjing, China
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