Affiliation of Author(s):机电学院
Title of Paper:An approach to computing multipoint inversion and multiray surface intersection on parametric surface
Journal:Math. Probl. Eng.
Abstract:This article presents a method for multipoint inversion and multiray surface intersection problem on the parametric surface. By combining tracing along the surface and classical Newton iteration, it can solve point inversion and ray-surface intersection issues concerning a large number of points or rays in a stable and high-speed way. What is more, the computation result can approximate to exact solutions with arbitrary precision because of the self-correction of Newton-Raphson iteration. The main ideas are adopting a scheme tracing along the surface to obtain a good initial point, which is close to the desired point with any prescribed precision, and conducting Newton iteration process with the point as a start point to compute desired parameters. The new method enhances greatly iterative convergence rate compared with traditional Newton's iteration related methods. In addition, it has a better performance than traditional methods, especially in dealing with multipoint inversion and multiray surface intersection problems. The result shows that the new method is superior to them in both speed and stability and can be widely applied to industrial and research field related to CAD and CG. © 2019 Pei Jingyu et al.
ISSN No.:1024-123X
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2019-01-01
Co-author:Jingyu, Pei,Leen, Zhang
Correspondence Author:Jingyu, Pei,Wang Xiaoping