Shuqun Wu
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Paper Publications
The effects of the tube diameter on the discharge ignition and the plasma properties of atmospheric-pressure microplasma confined inside capillary

Affiliation of Author(s):自动化学院

Journal:Plasma Processes Polym.

Abstract:With plasma penetration into a capillary and the assistant of an air DBD, an ac-driven Ar microplasma plume having a length of several cm is generated inside the capillary. The inner diameter of the capillary ranges from 4 to 100 µm. When the tube diameter decreases, the length of the microplasma plume decreases, and while the ignition voltage, the current density, and the electron density increase significantly. For the tube diameter of 9 µm, the current density and the electron density measured from the Stark broadening of Hα line reach as high as 109 A m−2 and 11 × 1016 cm−3, respectively. The microplasma plume is of high degree of ionization and remains non-thermal. Rather than monotonically increasing, the propagation velocity of the microplasma plume decreases and then keeps almost unchanged after the tube diameter reaches 20 µm. © 2019 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

ISSN No.:1612-8850

Translation or Not:no

Date of Publication:2019-03-01

Co-author:Wu, Fei,Wu Fei,Liu, Chang,F70206388,Liu, Xueyuan,Chen, Yuxiu,Shao, Tao,Zhang Charles

Correspondence Author:Shuqun Wu

Personal information

Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates


Alma Mater:华中科技大学

Education Level:华中科技大学

Degree:Doctoral Degree in Engineering

School/Department:College of Automation Engineering

Discipline:电气工程. High Voltage and Electrical Insulation Engineering

Business Address:南京市江宁区将军大道29号,南京航空航天大学自动化学院3号楼

Contact Information:邮箱;电话:13305143147


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