Qunfang WU
Associate Professor Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Main positions:副主任
Alma Mater:南京航空航天大学
Education Level:南京航空航天大学
Degree:Doctoral Degree in Engineering
Discipline:Power Electronics and Transmission
Business Address:自动化学院2栋509室
Contact Information:电话:18179631212 邮箱:wuqunfang@nuaa.edu.cn
Affiliation of Author(s):自动化学院
Journal:IEEE Trans Power Electron
Abstract:In this letter, a new zero-current-switching (ZCS) dual-channel push-pull isolated resonant gate driver (DPIRGD) is proposed to drive a pair of power mosfet in one bridge leg operating at high-switching frequency. The characteristics of the proposed DPIRGD include capability to provide two isolated complementary drive signals, low-gate drive loss, and high reliability of the turn-off status. Compared to the previous gate driver suitable for the zero-voltage-switching full-bridge converters, the proposed DPIRGD achieves similar gate drive loss but implements low components enabling to reduce the drive cost and increase the reliability. The operation principle, loss analysis, optimum design, and comparison study of the DPIRGD are presented in detail. The experimental results are shown to verify the effectiveness of the proposed concept. This solution has achieved nearly 70.7% reduction in gate drive power loss compared to the conventional voltage-source drive circuit. © 1986-2012 IEEE.
ISSN No.:0885-8993
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2019-05-01
Co-author:Qunfang WU,wangqin,Zhu, Jinyi,Xiao Lan
Correspondence Author:Qunfang WU
伍群芳,副研究员/博士生导师,南京航空航天大学工学博士,美国密歇根大学博士后,入选中国电机工程学会与江苏省“青年人才托举工程“、南京航空航天大学长空学者(长空之星),获全国高等学校青年教师电工学课程教学竞赛一等奖、南京航空航天大学教学成果一等奖,指导学生获全国“互联网+”金奖、研究生国家奖学金等荣誉奖项。从事高效能功率变换、电能源系统、智能变流装备及可靠性等技术研究。主持承担国家自然科学基金、173基础加强重点项目课题、航空科学基金、江苏省自然科学基金等课题20余项,发表学术论文60余篇,其中以第一/通讯作者发表IEEE Trans. or IET PE等权威期刊30余篇;申请中国发明专利20余项(已授权15项),申请美国专利3项。
[2] IEEE TPEL 杰出审稿人奖
[1]Qunfang Wu#, Menghan Jiang, Zhifeng Sun, Qin Wang. An internal magnetic core termination integration method for LLC four-elemental matrix transformer.IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2023, 38(11): 13573-13579.
[2]Qunfang Wu#, Boyuan Xu, Lan Xiao, Qin Wang. A remaining useful life prediction method of SiC MOSFET considering failure threshold uncertainty. IET Power Electronics, 2023, 1–13.
[3]Zhifeng Sun, Qunfang Wu*, Qin Wang, Jinbo Li.An improved grouping transformer's secondary windings current-sharing method for multi-phase LLC converter, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2023, 38(8):9872-9884.
[4]Zhifeng Sun, Qunfang Wu*, Qin Wang and Lan Xiao. Depth comparison of common inductor and common capacitor passive current sharing methods for multiphase LLC converter, IET Power Electronics, 2023, 16:2525–2548.
[5]Zhifeng Sun, Qunfang Wu*, Qin Wang and Lan Xiao. A simple sensorless current sharing control for input-parallel output-parallel dual active bridge converters, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics,2022, 69(11): 10819-10833.
[6]Hui Xiao, Qunfang Wu*, Heng Xi. Analysis and design of a wide range ZVS/ZCS push–pull DC/DC converter with voltage clamped, IET Power Electronics, 2022, 15:422–433.
[7]Zhifeng Sun, Qin Wang, Qunfang Wu*, Lan Xiao. A unified common inductor and common capacitor current sharing method for multiphase LLC converter, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2022, 37(10): 12182-12196.
[8]Qunfang Wu#, Mengqi Wang*, Weiyang Zhou,* Xi Lu, Kewei Xiao, Krishna Bhat and Chingchi Chen. Traction inverter highly accelerated life testing with high-temperature stress. IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification, 2021, 7(1): 304-316.
[9]Qunfang Wu#, Mengqi Wang*, Weiyang Zhou* and Xiaoming Wang. Current balancing of paralleled SiC MOSFETs for a resonant pulsed power converter. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2020, 35(6): 5557-5561.
[10]Qunfang Wu#*, Qin Wang, Jinyi Zhu, Lan Xiao. Dual-channel push–pull isolated resonant gate driver for high-frequency ZVS full-bridge converters. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2019, 34(5): 4019-4023.
[11]Qunfang Wu#*, Qin Wang, Jialin Xu and Zilong Xu. Active-clamped ZVS current-fed push-pull isolated DC-DC converter for renewable energy conversion applications. IET Power Electronics, 2018, 11(2):373-381.
[12]Qunfang Wu#*, Qin Wang, Jinbo Li, Zhong Wang. ZVS three-phase current-fed push-pull converter employing a simple active-clamp circuit for voltage step-up applications, IET Power Electronics, 2018,11(14): 2286-2294.
[13]Qunfang Wu#*, Qin Wang, Jialin Xu, Hongxu Li and Lan Xiao. A high efficiency step-up current-fed push-pull quasi-resonant converter with fewer components for fuel cell application. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2017, 64(8): 6639–6648.
[14]Qunfang Wu#*, Qin Wang, Jialin Xu and Lan Xiao. Implementation of an active-clamped current-fed push-pull converter employing parallel-inductor to extend ZVS range for fuel cell application. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2017, 64(10): 7919–7929.
[15]Qunfang Wu#*, Qin Wang, Jialin Xu and Lan Xiao. A wide load range ZVS push–pull DC-DC converter with active-clamped. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2017, 32(4): 2865–2875.
[16]Qunfang Wu#*, Qin Wang, Jialin Xu and Lan Xiao. A real-time variable turn-off current strategy for a PFC converter with voltage spike limitation and efficiency improvement. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2016, 31(12): 8031–8036.
[17]Yisheng Yuan, Li Lai*, Qunfang Wu*. A current-fed LCL resonant converter for wide output-voltage applications. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2021, 68(5): 3939-3948.
[18]Zhong Chen#*, Qunfang Wu*, Yisheng Yuan, “A novel zero-voltage-switching push–pull high-frequency-link single-phase inverter,” IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, 2016, 4(2):421-434.
[19]Weiyang Zhou#, Mengqi Wang*, Qunfang Wu*, Xi Lu, Kewei Xiao, Krishna Bhat and Chingchi Chen, “Accelerated life testing method of metallized film capacitors for inverter applications,” IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification, 2021, 7(1): 37-49.
[20]Weiyang Zhou#, Mengqi Wang*, Qunfang Wu*. A model-based monitoring method for offline accelerated testing of DC-Link capacitor in three-phase inverter systems. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2021, 36(1): 4019-4025.
[21]Yiran Lu#, Qunfang Wu, Qin Wang, Dan Liu, Lan Xiao, “Analysis of a novel zero-voltage-switching bidirectional DC/DC converter for energy storage system,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2018, 33(4): 3169–3179.
[22]伍群芳#*, 王勤, 徐佳林, 肖岚, 袁义生. 一种电压钳位型ZVS推挽式高频环节DC-AC变换器. 中国电机工程学报, 2017, 37(6): 1787-1796. 31(12): 8031–8036.
[23]伍群芳*, 陈仲, 王勤, 袁义生.一种负载适应的电流尖峰限制型功率管开通方法. 中国电机工程学报. 2016, 36(8): 2242-2251
[24]Qunfang Wu#*, Mengqi Wang, Weiyang Zhou, Guanliang Liu. Applying coupled inductor to voltage and current balanced between paralleled SiC MOSFETs for a resonant pulsed power converter. IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC), 2020: 2192-2198.
[25]Qunfang Wu#*, Mengqi Wang, Weiyang Zhou, Can. Huang, et.al. High frequency active-clamped zero-current switching current-fed push-pull converter for micro-converter applications. IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 2020: 1273-1278.
[26]Qunfang Wu#*, Mengqi Wang, Weiyang Zhou and Yanghe Liu, High frequency AC power distribution network for electric vehicle auxiliary electrical system. IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 2020: 891-896.
[27]Qunfang Wu#*, Mengqi Wang, Weiyang Zhou, Xiaoming Wang. Analytical switching model of a 1200V SiC MOSFET in a high-voltage, high-frequency pulsed power converter for plasma generation. IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 2019: 1911-1917.
[28]Qunfang Wu#*, Mengqi Wang, Weiyang Zhou, Qin Wang. A high frequency isolated push-pull resonant gate driver for SiC MOSFET with asymmetrical voltage. IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference (ITEC), 2019: 1-4.
[1]伍群芳,姜盟瀚,王勤,肖岚. 一种基于四元矩阵变换器的LLC谐振变换器, 2024-2-2, 中国, ZL 2023 1 0986657.9.
[2]伍群芳,赵文杰,王勤,肖岚. 低纹波低压降的全波HCWDVM倍压整流电路,2024-3-8,中国,ZL 2023 1 1128326.8
[3]伍群芳,宫诚,王勤,肖岚,刘琦,张昕. 一种航空用高功重比多输出三相电机驱动器, 2024-4-26, 中国,ZL 2023 1 1112438.4
[4]伍群芳,张寒,王勤,肖岚. 一种逆变器级宽温区功率器件导通压降在线监测电路,2024-4-26,中国,ZL 2023 1 1128333.8
[5]伍群芳,刘琦,肖岚,王勤. 一种3×3相电机的开相故障容错控制方法,2024-5-24,中国,ZL 2023 1 1577328.5
[6]伍群芳,王勤,徐佳林,陆依然,肖岚. 一种宽负载范围软开关倍流整流型推挽直流变换器, 2021-2-9,中国,ZL 201710483218.0.
[7]伍群芳,王勤,徐佳林,王楚娇,肖岚. 一种软开关三相电流型推挽直流变换器,2021-2-9,中国,ZL 201710483216.1.
[8]伍群芳,王勤,徐佳林,朱津仪,肖岚. 一种宽负载范围软开关电流型推挽直流变换器,2020-11-24,中国,ZL 201710483219.5.
[9]伍群芳,王勤,陈仲,肖岚,徐佳林. 一种电压箝位软开关型推挽直流变换器,2019-1-8,中国,ZL 201510391387.2.
[10]伍群芳,王勤;陈仲;肖岚,徐佳林. 一种单级ZVS型推挽式高频环节DC-AC变换器,2018-10-16,中国,ZL 201510391287.X.
[11]伍群芳,王勤,徐佳林,陈仲,肖岚. 一种倍压软开关型推挽直流变换器,2018-5-8,中国,ZL 201510391126.0.
[12]伍群芳,王勤,陈仲,肖岚,徐佳林. 一种负载适应的电流尖峰限制型功率管开通方法,2018-3-30,中国,ZL 201510391128.X
[5]航空科学实验室基金,高压1kV SiC电机驱动器动态可靠性机理及电磁兼容优化设计,2023-2025
[7]江苏省自然科学青年基金,基于关键组件渐变失效的SiC 变流器可靠性动态评估,2021-2024
[8]台达电力电子科教发展计划青年基金,SiC 变流器在线状态监测及可靠性动态评估,2021-2023
[13]美国福特汽车公司,Traction inverter input DC side capacitor lifetime testing,2019-2020
[14]丰田汽车北美研发中心,Study on high frequency alternating current power distribution for EV auxiliary electrical system,2019-2020
[15]美国福特汽车公司,Traction inverter high-temperature reliability test,2018-2019
[16]美国Somnio Grobal公司,High-voltage and high-frequency pulsed power generation systems,2018-2019
[1]担任2024年Digital Twin International Conference专题“Digital Twin for Electric, Control and Energy Systems”Session Chair
[2]受邀担任期刊《Journal of Power and Energy Engineering》专题“Applications of Power Electronic Converters”客座主编
[3]担任2022年Digital Twin International Conference专题“Digital Twin for Power Electronics, Power Systems, and Multi-Energy Systems ”Session Chair
[4]IEEE Transaction on Power Electronics Emergency Reviewer (SCI顶刊TPEL紧急稿件审稿组成员)
[5]IEEE Transaction on Industrial Electronics、IEEE Transaction on Power Electronics、IET Power Electronics、IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution、IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics、IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification、 IEEE Access、IEEE Open Journal of Power Electronics、Energies、Electronics、APEC、ECCE、中国电机工程学报等数十个权威期刊与会议同行审稿人
[6]中国能源学会能源装备专家组委员,江苏省电源学会青工委委员,中国电工技术学会科普专家成员,IEEE Member;中国电源学会会员;中国电机工程学会会员,中国电工技术学会会员等