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  • 吴红飞 ( 教授 )

    的个人主页 http://faculty.nuaa.edu.cn/wuhongfei/zh_CN/index.htm

  •   教授   博士生导师
  • 招生学科专业:
    电气工程 -- 【招收博士、硕士研究生】 -- 自动化学院
    能源动力 -- 【招收博士、硕士研究生】 -- 自动化学院
论文成果 当前位置: 南航-吴红飞 >> 科学研究 >> 论文成果
High-efficiency Single-phase Three-port Converter for Power Factor Correction Based on Quasi Single-stage Power Conversion

发表刊物:Dianli Xitong Zidonghue
摘要:Considering to that the output voltage of Boost power factor correction (PFC) converter must be higher than the peak AC voltage, a cascaded DC/DC converter is needed when the load voltage is low, and two-stage power conversion is not conducive to the improvement of system efficiency. A single-phase three-port PFC converter is studied to optimize the instantaneous efficiency of the PFC converter within the grid voltage period and further improve the overall efficiency. Quasi single-stage power conversion between the AC input side and the DC load side is realized by directly using the low-voltage side capacitor of the traditional three-level Boost converter as load port and constructing a high-voltage port, which also effectively reduces the power conversion stages of the system and thus improves the overall efficiency. In addition, the characteristics of quasi single-stage power conversion are also conducive to reducing the voltage stress, current stress and power loss of the rear DC/DC converter, which further improves the overall efficiency of AC/DC converter. The working principle and control strategy of the three-port PFC converter are analyzed in detail, and the loss analysis model is established and verified by simulation. Finally, a 2 kW experimental prototype is used to verify the effectiveness of the proposed converter in system efficiency. © 2018 Automation of Electric Power Systems Press.
合写作者:Jia, Yihang,Han, Meng,邢岩


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