
Influence of equivalence fuel/air ratio on combustion characteristics of internal combustion wave rotor


  • Affiliation of Author(s):能源与动力学院

  • Journal:Hangkong Dongli Xuebao

  • Abstract:In order to study the influence of equivalence fuel/air ratio on combustion characteristics of internal combustion wave rotor, the control variable method was used to keep the combustion wave rotor speed and gas filling speed constant by adjusting the fuel injection volume to change of equivalence fuel/air ratio. The experimental investigations on combustion characteristics of internal combustion wave rotor were conducted under different equivalence fuel/air ratios. The results showed that the equivalence fuel/air ratio had great influence on combustion process of internal combustion wave rotor. As the equivalence fuel/aird ratio increased, the combustion wave rotor obtaining combustion pressure gain increased. When the speed of the internal combustion wave rotor was 900r/min, the gas filling speed was 6.741m/s, and the equivalence fuel/air ratio was 1.442, the average combustion pressure gain of the six working cycles was up to 246.29%. The flame propagation velocity was similar to normal distribution with the change of equivalence fuel/air ratio, which reached a maximum 10.8m/s around the stoichiometric ratio. Under the condition of equivalence fuel/air ratio less than 1, the flame front was inclined downward, and the flame front was inclined upward in the case of the equivalence fuel/air ratio was greater than 1. © 2018, Editorial Department of Journal of Aerospace Power. All right reserved.

  • ISSN No.:1000-8055

  • Translation or Not:no

  • Date of Publication:2018-09-01

  • Co-author:Li, Wei,Li Jianzhong,Gong, Erlei,Zhang, Kaichen,Yuan, Li

  • Correspondence Author:Wen Liwei

  • Date of Publication:2018-09-01

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