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Analytical solutions for thermal vibration of nanobeams with elastic boundary conditions

Affiliation of Author(s):航空学院


Key Words:Nonlocal Euler beam Thermal stress Vibration Elastic boundary conditions Nanobeam

Abstract:A nonlocal Euler beam model with second-order gradient of stress taken into consideration is used to study the thermal vibration of nanobeams with elastic boundary. An analytical solution is proposed to investigate the free vibration of nonlocal Euler beams subjected to axial thermal stress. The effects of the nonlocal parameter, thermal stress and stiffness of boundary constraint on the vibration behaviors of nanobeams are revealed. The results show that natural frequencies including the thermal stress are lower than those without the thermal stress when temperature rises. The boundary-constrained springs have significant effects on the vibration of nanobeams. In addition, numerical simulations also indicate the importance of small-scale effect on the vibration of nanobeams. (C) 2017 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of Chinese Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics.

ISSN No.:0894-9166

Translation or Not:no

Date of Publication:2017-10-01

Co-author:Jiang, Jingnong

Correspondence Author:WANG Lifeng

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Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates

Main positions:航空航天结构力学及控制全国重点实验室副主任

Other Post:中国振动工程学会动力学载荷与设计专业委员会主任


Alma Mater:南京航空航天大学

Education Level:Postgraduate (Doctoral)

Degree:Doctoral Degree in Science

School/Department:College of Aerospace Engineering

Discipline:Engineering Mechanics. General and Fundamental Mechanics. Engineering Mechanics


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