WANG Jiangfeng
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Paper Publications
Numerical Simulation of Integrated Aeroheating-Structural Heat Transfer Study for Blunt Body

Affiliation of Author(s):航空学院

Journal:Tuijin Jishu

Abstract:In order to improve the efficiency and accuracy in steady numerical simulation of the multi-physical coupling of aerodynamic heating and thermal protection structure heat transfer, an integrated aeroheating-structural thermal numerical method based on finite volume method is applied to the analysis of aerodynamically heated hypersonic blunt body. The uniform governing equations are used in the fluid and structure domains, which are realized by using an up-wind finite volume method, LU-SGS implicit time-stepping scheme and adaptive unsteady time-step size. This approach does not require extensive post-processing to transfer data, avoiding the computational complexity in the interdisciplinary coupling and interactions. To demonstrate its feasibility and reliability, applications for ?uid-thermal-structural analysis of 2D/3D blunt body in steady and unsteady states, are performed and discussed. At 2s, the stagnation temperature of cylinder is about 390.2K. The property distributions of temperature and heat flux are obtained and the time-variant characteristics are analyzed in excellent agreement with the references and experiments. At the same time the steady-state fluid-structural-thermal characteristics of 3D blunt body are analyzed, the computed results show that the maximum outer surface temperature of the blunt body structure reaches 535.6K. The numerical simulation results indicate that the integrated approach can offer the potential for signification improvements and efficiency in predicting fluid-structural-thermal problems of long-endurance high speed vehicles, which provide theoretical and technical support for the design of thermal protection structure. © 2019, Editorial Department of Journal of Propulsion Technology. All right reserved.

ISSN No.:1001-4055

Translation or Not:no

Date of Publication:2019-01-01

Co-author:Li, Jia-Wei,Yang, Tian-Peng,Li, Long-Fei,Wang, Yu-Han

Correspondence Author:WANG Jiangfeng

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Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates


Alma Mater:南京航空航天大学; Université Pierre et Marie Curie

Education Level:法国巴黎第六大学

Degree:Doctoral Degree in Engineering

School/Department:College of Aerospace Engineering

Discipline:Fluid Mechanics. Fluid Mechanics

Business Address:本部流体楼(C12)- 301室



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