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Civil aviation safety evaluation based on deep belief network and principal component analysis

Date of Publication:2019-02-01 Hits:

Affiliation of Author(s):民航学院
Journal:Saf. Sci.
Abstract:Civil aviation in modern industries is becoming increasingly automatic, precise, and efficient. Serious accidents and unsafe incidents are used to describe and investigate the safety level. Therefore, effectively predicting big data from these features and accurately identifying the safety level with advanced theories are new issues in civil aviation. The prediction of serious flight incident rate for unsafe events is proposed on the basis of deep learning considering the characteristics of big data. In this method, deep belief network (DBN) is combined with Principal Component Analysis (PCA). The deep architecture is beneficial for safety prediction because each layer learns more complex features than the layers before. Compared with the previous prediction based on historical accident data, The DBN predicts the serious flight incident rate based on the results from PCA. Results indicate that the prediction data of PAC-DBN is consistent with the actual data of serious flight incident rate. The proposed method is superior to forecasting the serious flight incident rate compared with the gray neural network method, support vector regression, DBN. Simultaneously, the main influencing factors can be extracted to reduce flight incident rate. © 2018 Elsevier Ltd
ISSN No.:0925-7535
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2019-02-01
Co-author:Ni, Xiaomei,Che, Changchang,Hong, Jiyu,Sun, Zhongdong
Correspondence Author:wanghuawei