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Oxidation behaviour of plasma surface alloying on Ti6Al4V alloy


Affiliation of Author(s):材料科学与技术学院

Title of Paper:Oxidation behaviour of plasma surface alloying on Ti6Al4V alloy


Key Words:Plasma surface alloying high temperature oxidation resistant coatings Titanium alloys

Abstract:Ti-CrNi alloy coatings with 20, 40, 60 and 80at-% Ni were prepared on Ti6Al4V alloy surface by double glow plasma surface alloying technique. The cyclic oxidation behaviour of the coatings was investigated at 750, 850 and 950 degrees C. The results show that each coating has a complete structure of settled layer, mutual diffusion layer and sputtering affected zone. When the Ni content was 40at-%, the Ti-CrNi alloy coating showed the best cyclic oxidation resistance. The oxide scale with 'Cr2O3 film+NiO film' structure showed the best resistance to peeling.

ISSN No.:0267-0844

Translation or Not:no

Date of Publication:2018-01-01

Co-author:Zhang Pingze,Yao Zhengjun,魏祥飞,Zhou Jintang,陈小虎

Correspondence Author:Wei Dongbo

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