Affiliation of Author(s):材料科学与技术学院
Title of Paper:Morphological Evolution of S-Phase in 2024 Aluminum under Tensile Creep at 448-463K
Key Words:Al-Cu-Mg alloy morphological evolution S-phase tensile creep
Abstract:The morphological evolution behavior of S-phase in 2024 aluminum alloy under uniaxial tensile creep test at 448 and 463K under 175, 200 and 225MPa was studied in detail by HRTEM. Results showed that the S-phase was arranged in the zigzag manner, similar to a zebra pattern, under tensile stress at 448-463K. And it maintained cubic structure, remarkably grew along the tension direction under uniaxial tensile stress, but grew minimally perpendicular to the stress direction. Compared with applied stress, the temperature had a greater effect on the growth of S-phase. The length of S-phase reached 100 +/- 20nm after testing for 24h at 448K under 200MPa and 200 +/- 50nm after testing for 18h at 463K under 175MPa. The S-phase not only grew significantly in length but also coarsened at 463K, the lamellar structure becoming fuzzy, which caused the alloy to enter the tertiary creep stage, unsuitable for creep-aging forming.
ISSN No.:1059-9495
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2019-06-01
Co-author:Yang, Kai,Zhang Pingze,Li, Fengkun,Liang, Hongxuan,Yao Zhengjun
Correspondence Author:Wei Dongbo