Associate Professor Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Alma Mater:北京师范大学
Education Level:北京师范大学
Degree:Doctoral Degree in Engineering
School/Department:College of Economics and Management
Discipline:Applied Economics
Contact Information:changbo@nuaa.edu.cn
Affiliation of Author(s):材料科学与技术学院
Key Words:Cr39Ni7C Inorganic silicate Low infrared emissivity Heat-resistant property
Abstract:Low infrared emissivity coatings with good heat-resistant property are prepared by using Cr39Ni7C powders and inorganic silicate as filler and binder, respectively. The effects of ball-milling time and heating temperatures on both the microstructure and crystallinity of Cr39Ni7C powders as well as the infrared emissivity of the coatings are detailedly explored. The results show that large spherical Cr39Ni7C particles change into smaller flakey particles gradually with ball-milling time extending to 70 h. Meanwhile, crystallinity of Cr39Ni7C powders enhances with temperature increasing from 300 degrees C to 700 degrees C. Contributed by the small flakey particles and enhanced crystallinity, the Cr39Ni7C coating could possess low emissivity value of 0.59 at room temperature, and it further reduces to 0.55 with the temperature rising up to 600 degrees C. Additionally, good thermal stability is obtained due to the Si-O-Si space network structure and the Si-O-M bonding between the coatings and substrates.
ISSN No.:1350-4495
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2018-08-01
Co-author:xgy,F70206595,Tan Shu Juan,xucheng,Zhang, Yanting,Zhang, Jianchao
Correspondence Author:F70206595,Wang Changbo,Liu Chuyang