Impact Factor:5.6
Affiliation of Author(s):南京航空航天大学
Journal:Aerospace Science and Technology
Funded by:National Science and Technology Major Project (2017-III-0010-0036).
Key Words:Over-tip leakage flow Transonic flow VLES method Tip gap variation Loss mechanism
Abstract:Transonic turbine blade Over-Tip Leakage (OTL) flow has significant effects on turbine efficiency and blade thermal load. At present, most of the numerical studies on OTL flow are based on Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) method. However, it is difficult to characterize the physical mechanisms of transonic OTL flow accurately due to the inherent shortcomings of RANS method, especially for the unsteady characteristics. To understand the underlying loss mechanisms and aerothermal characteristics of the transonic OTL flow with tip gap variations, the present study applies a Very Large Eddy Simulation (VLES) method based on Wilcox k–ωmodel to study a transonic cascade OTL flow. The feasibility and accuracy of the VLES turbulence model in OTL flow simulations are confirmed by numerical assessments comparison with the experimental results. The detailed flow structure and its effect on the losses of tip leakage flow are studied for different cases with varying tip gap heights. It is observed that the flow structures including separation vortex and shock waves in the gap become more complex with increasing the tip gap. The mass flow rate, pressure loss, entropy generation, and aerothermal performance for different tip gap heights are further discussed.
Indexed by:Journal paper
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2021-01-27
Included Journals:SCI
Correspondence Author:xym
Research Associate
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Alma Mater:南京航空航天大学
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Degree:Doctoral Degree in Engineering
Discipline:Aerospace Propulsion Theory and Engineering
Business Address:南京航空航天大学明故宫校区A10-417
Contact Information:15605192097
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