Tao Wang

Doctoral Degree in Engineering

With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study


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邮箱:wangtao0729@nuaa.edu.cn 2012年获南京航空航天大学材料物理与化学博士学位,导师何建平教授。2013年-2015年进入日本国家物质材料研究所(NIMS)从事博士后研究,任MANA研究员,合作导师为光催化领域的著名科学家叶金花教授。2015年6月回到南京航空航天大学材料学院工作,2017年入选南航长空学者计划,2024年入选科睿唯安全球高被引学者。研究方向1. 新能源材料与光电化学:功能材料的制备及其光/电化学性能,应用于全固态锂电池、金属空气电池、燃料电池、光/电催化等领域2. 功能薄膜制备与隐身材料:多孔碳基材料的制备及其在薄膜/隐身涂层上的应用 应邀担任Molecules和Frontiers In Chemistry的客座编辑(Guest Editor)以及Advanced Materials, Advanced Functional Materials, Small, Applied Catalysis B, Chemical Engineering Journal, ChemSusChem, Chemical Communication, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Journal of Power Sources, Catalysis Science & Technology, Carbon, APL Materials, Electrochimica Acta, Corrosion Science, Microporous & Mesoporous Materials, RSC Advances, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Inorganic Chemistry Communications, Thin Solid Films, Applied Physics A等国际知名期刊的审稿人。 个人Researchgate:https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Tao_Wang109/publications Google学术:https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=OgGWCfsAAAAJ&hl=zh-CN 迄今为止,在JACS,Angew,AM,AEM,AFM,Advanced Science,Nano Research Energy,Nano Energy,Carbon Energy,ACS Nano,Energy Storage Materials,Applied Catalysis B,Nano Research,Small,Chemical Engineering Journal,JMCA,Solar RRL,Nanoscale,Chemical Communication,Chemistry-A European Journal,ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,Langmuir,Carbon,JPCC等国际著名期刊合作发表SCI论文200余篇,论文累计被引用13000余次,H因子为58。授权专利12项。获得江苏省教育科学研究成果二等奖(纳米碳基能源材料)和江苏省科学技术奖三等奖(功能隐身纳米碳基复合涂层)。 目前指导硕士研究生7名。4名硕士获得国家奖学金,1名硕士获得江苏省三好学生。毕业生就业去向:(1)高校科研院所深造,如 中科院大连化物所、南京大学、南京航空航天大学;(2)知名企业,如航天二院、五菱汽车、黎阳航空发动机、华虹半导体等。 代表作:Yunyun Xu, Xijuan Li, Yuejiao Li, Yi Wang, Li Song, Junchao Ding, Xiaoli Fan, Jianping He, Tao Wang*, Zhong-Shuai Wu*. Reconfiguration of the Charge Density Difference of Nitrogen-doped Graphene by Covalently Bonded Cu-N4 Active Sites Boosting Thermodynamics and Performance in Aprotic Li-CO2 Battery. Energy Storage Materials, 2024, 68, 103354.Haixia Chen, Xijuan Li, Zhixin Liu, Yunyun X1, Yige Yan, Peng Li, Kun Chang, Xianli Huang, Jianping He, Tao Wang*. Ferrocene-Based Nickel Metal-Organic Framework Nanosheets as Efficient, Long-Cycle Cathode Catalyst for Li-CO2 Battery. Advanced Functional Materials, 2024, 10.1002/adfm.202412387.Yinglei Tao, Tao Wang*, Xingyu Yu, Ke Gong, Hao Gong, Haixia Chen, Xiaoli Fan, Aidi Zhang, Xianli Huang, Kun Chang, Jianping He. Promoting Oxygen Electrode Reaction Kinetics in Photo-Assisted Li-O2 Batteries Through Heterostructure Design and Built-In Electric Field Construction. Chemical Science, 2024, 15, 17073-17083.Yunyun Xu, Hairong Xue*, Xijuan Li, Xiaoli Fan, Peng Li, Tengfei Zhang, Kun Chang, Tao Wang*, Jianping He*. Application of metal-organic frameworks, covalent organic frameworks and their derivates for the metal-air batteries. Nano Research Energy, 2023, 2, e9120052.Yunyun Xu, Hao Gong*, Hao Ren, Xiaoli Fan, Peng Li, Tengfei Zhang, Kun Chang, Tao Wang*, Jianping He*. Highly efficient Cu-porphyrin-based metal-organic framework nanosheet as cathode for high-rate Li-CO2 batteries. Small, 2022, 18, 2203917.Yunyun Xu, Cheng Jiang, Hao Gong, Hairong Xue, Bin Gao, Peng Li, Kun Chang, Xianli Huang, Tao Wang*, Jianping He. Single Atom Site Conjugated Copper Polyphthalocyanine Assisted Carbon Nanotubes as Cathode for Reversible Li-CO2 Batteries. Nano Research, 2022, 15, 4100-4107.Hao Gong, Tao Wang*, Kun Chang, Peng Li, Lequan Liu, Xingyu Yu, Bin Gao, Hairong Xue*, Renzhi Ma, Jianping He*, Jinhua Ye*. Revealing illumination effect on the discharge products in high-performance Li-O2 batteries with heterostructured photocatalysts. Carbon Energy, 2022, 4, 1169-1181.Li Song*, Haiyun Fan, Xiaoli Fan, Hao Gong, Tao Wang*, Jianping He*. A simultaneous phosphorization and carbonization strategy to synthesize a defective Co2P/doped-CNTs composite for bifunctional oxygen electrocatalysis. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 435, 134612.Xingyu Yu, Hao Gong*, Bin Gao, Xiaoli Fan, Peng Li, Xianli Huang, Kun Chang, Tao Wang*, Jianping He*. Illumination-enhanced oxygen reduction kinetics in hybrid lithium-oxygen battery with p-type semiconductor. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 449, 137774.Bin Gao, Xingyu Yu, Tao Wang*, Hao Gong, Xiaoli Fan, Hairong Xue, Cheng Jiang, Kun Chang, Xianli Huang, Jianping He*. Promoting Charge Separation by Rational Integrate of Covalent Organic Framework on BiVO4 Photoanode. Chemical Communications, 2022, 58, 1796-1799.Hao Gong, Hairong Xue, Bin Gao, Yang Li, Xiaoli Fan, Songtao Zhang, Tao Wang*, Jianping He*. Introduction of Photo Electrochemical Water-oxidation Mechanism into Hybrid Lithium-Oxygen Batteries. Energy Storage Materials, 2020, 31, 11-19. Hao Gong, Tao Wang*, Hairong Xue, Xiaoli Fan, Bin Gao, Huabin Zhang, Li Shi, Jianping He*, Jinhua Ye*. Photo-enhanced Lithium Oxygen Batteries with Defective Titanium Oxide as both Photo-anode and Air Electrode. Energy Storage Materials, 2018, 13, 49-56.主持和参与的项目:国防科技创新特区火花项目,2020.11-2021.11,主持中央财政高校杰出人才培育项目,2018.01-2020.12,主持国家自然科学基金青年基金,2017.01-2019.12,主持江苏省自然科学基金青年基金,2016.07-2019.06,主持南航引进人才启动基金,2016.01-2017.12,主持江苏省重点领域质量攻关招标项目,动力用锂离子电池的隔膜材料,2016.06-2017.12,参与

2009.4  to  2012.12
南京航空航天大学 | 材料物理与化学 | With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study | Doctoral Degree in Engineering
2006.9  to  2009.3
南京航空航天大学 | 应用化学 | With Certificate of Graduation for Study as Master's Candidates | Master's Degree in Engineering
2002.9  to  2006.6
南京林业大学 | 高分子材料与工程 | University graduated | Bachelor's Degree in Engineering
1999.9  to  2002.6
江西省丰城中学 | 理科 | 普通高中毕业 | 无学位

2015.6  to  Now
2013.4  to  2015.3

1) Design and synthesis of porous materials 2) Artificial photosynthesis of porous semiconductor 3) Applications of porous materials in new energy fields

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