Associate Professor
Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Title of Paper:Improved Line Tracing Methods for Removal of Bad Streaks Noise in CCD Line Array Image-A Case Study with GF-1 Images
Affiliation of Author(s):航天学院
Key Words:bad streaks noise line tracing method DN values break Lagrange polynomial method DN values succession
Abstract:Remote sensing images could provide us with tremendous quantities of large-scale information. Noise artifacts (stripes), however, made the images inappropriate for vitalization and batch process. An effective restoration method would make images ready for further analysis. In this paper, a new method is proposed to correct the stripes and bad abnormal pixels in charge-coupled device (CCD) linear array images. The method involved a line tracing method, limiting the location of noise to a rectangular region, and corrected abnormal pixels with the Lagrange polynomial algorithm. The proposed detection and restoration method were applied to Gaofen-1 satellite (GF-1) images, and the performance of this method was evaluated by omission ratio and false detection ratio, which reached 0.6% and 0%, respectively. This method saved 55.9% of the time, compared with traditional method.
ISSN No.:1424-8220
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2017-04-01
Co-author:Bao, Jianwei,Wang, Shikui,Wang, Houjun,sheng qinghong
Correspondence Author:王博
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