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Dynamic model and simulation of open innovation in product development


Affiliation of Author(s):机电学院

Title of Paper:Dynamic model and simulation of open innovation in product development

Journal:Int J Computer Integr Manuf

Abstract:In order to meet the needs of customers and take advantage of the customer’s innovative resources, companies open up their design activities of products to customers. In contrast to the traditional product innovation, the primary characteristic of open innovation is the participation of a large number of autonomous individuals across organisational boundaries, and there is not a central authority. Hence, it is necessary to study the dynamic mechanism for obtaining a good decision. This paper first studies the evolution of individual interaction based on game theory and then studies the dynamic characteristics of large-scale interaction. According to the results of simulation, it is concluded that the opinions are convergent under various communication conditions, and he convergent velocity distribution of the product solution with payoffs as the independent variable is obtained. A case study is used to deeply understand the participant behaviour based on the game theory and verify the conclusion of dynamic analysis in this paper. © 2019, © 2019 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.

ISSN No.:0951-192X

Translation or Not:no

Date of Publication:2019-03-04

Co-author:Tan, Libin,Chen, Weifang

Correspondence Author:tdb

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