Affiliation of Author(s):民航学院
Title of Paper:Fuzzy Risk Assessment of Aeroengine Life-limited Parts Based on Improved Entropy TOPSIS Method
Journal:Zhongguo Jixie Gongcheng
Abstract:The TOPSIS method was improved by information entropy weights as attribute weights, failure modes of aeroengine life-limited parts were taken as assessment objects, and risk indicators were blurred. This new method for risk assessment of life-limited parts was proposed. Three factors with severity, occurrence and detection difficulty of failure mode were made to be main risk indicators. Triangular fuzzy number decision matrix was established and standardized. In the case of fault data for small sample, decision information of relevant experts and engineers was integrated to calculate entropy weights of risk indicators, and then the entropy weights were used as weighted vectors to amend the normative decision matrix. The TOPSIS was utilized to evaluate. Five failure modes were evaluated with positive and negative ideal solutions, Euclidean distances and relative proximity data. The fuzzy risk assessment method based on improved entropy TOPSIS may achieve the accurate sorting of assessment objects, and it is more efficient to analyze than the hazard matrix mapping method. The method may provide a reliable basis for risk reduction and development of preventive measures in failure mode and effect analysis(FMEA) method. © 2018, China Mechanical Engineering Magazine Office. All right reserved.
ISSN No.:1004-132X
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2018-05-25
Co-author:Li, Yuanbin,llb
Correspondence Author:sun youchao