Title of Paper:Transient Analysis for Hypersonic Inlet Accelerative Restarting Process
Affiliation of Author(s):能源与动力学院
Abstract:A three-dimensional computational fluid dynamics code that solves the unsteady compressible Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations was used to investigate the transient accelerative restarting processes of a planar hypersonic inlet. The characteristics of the accelerative restarting process were analyzed, and they revealed that the wall pressure time histories could be used to monitor whether the hypersonic inlet restarted. In addition, the effects of acceleration and flight trajectories on the transient accelerative process were studied. The results showed that the process of the disappearance of the separation bubble was delayed as the acceleration was increased. As a result, the corresponding flight Mach number at which the inlet restarted increased accordingly. The unsteady simulation results also indicated that the trajectory had great impact on the accelerative restarting process.
ISSN No.:0022-4650
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2017-03-01
Co-author:Hu, Zhiwei,Tang, Piao-Ping,Chen, Yun
Correspondence Author:Su Wei-Yi
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