Title of Paper:Control of pseudo-shock oscillation in scramjet inlet-isolator using periodical excitation
Affiliation of Author(s):能源与动力学院
Key Words:Pseudo-shock Pressure oscillation Inlet unstart Periodical excitation Flow control
Abstract:To suppress the pressure oscillation, stabilize the shock train in the scramjet isolator and delay the hypersonic inlet unstart, flow control using periodic excitation was investigated with unsteady Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes simulations. The results showed that by injecting air to manipulate the cowl reflected shock wave, the separation bubble induced by it was diminished and the pressure oscillations of the shock train were markedly suppressed. The power spectral density and standard deviation of wall pressure were significantly reduced. The simulations revealed that this active control method can raise the critical back pressure by 17.5% compared with the baseline, which would successfully delay the hypersonic inlet unstarts. The results demonstrated that this active control method is effective in suppressing pressure oscillation and delaying hypersonic inlet unstarts.
ISSN No.:0094-5765
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2018-02-01
Co-author:Chen, Yun,Zhang, Feng-Rui,Tang, Piao-Ping
Correspondence Author:Su Wei-Yi
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