Doctoral Degree in Engineering
Nanjing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics
Business Address:Building 4,Ming Palace Campus
Affiliation of Author(s):自动化学院
Key Words:magnetic field jet electrodeposition composite coating wear resistance
Abstract:To improve the composite coating surface quality and performance, a magnetic-field-assisted method was used to manufacture Ni-SiC composite coating based on jet electrodeposition. The effect of different concentrations of SiC and the magnetic field on the surface morphology, microhardness, wear resistance, and corrosion resistance of the coating were investigated by (1) changing the content of nano-SiC particles in the bath, and (2) whether magnetic-field-assisted device was used. Results showed that adding nano-SiC can refine the coating grain size and reduce the surface roughness. The microhardness of the coating increased significantly from 442.65 HV to 514.03 HV for pure nickel coating, an increase of 16.12%; the microhardness increased to 542.76 HV with the introduction of a magnetic field. Magnetic field assistance can reduce cellular protrusions and improve flatness. The Ni-SiC coating wear resistance was strengthened with Magnetic-field-assisted, the wear mechanism changed from the fatigue wear to abrasive wear and adhesive wear. The corrosion resistance of Ni-SiC composite coating was also improved compared with pure Ni coating.
ISSN No.:2053-1591
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2018-09-01
Co-author:江伟,Qiu Mingbo,徐铭阳,tzj
Correspondence Author:Lida Shen