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  • 沈凯 ( 副教授 )

    的个人主页 http://faculty.nuaa.edu.cn/sk/zh_CN/index.htm

  •   副教授   硕士生导师
  • 招生学科专业:
    材料科学与工程 -- 【招收硕士研究生】 -- 材料科学与技术学院
    材料与化工 -- 【招收硕士研究生】 -- 材料科学与技术学院







代表作: 1, Microbands and crystal orientation metastability in cold rolled interstitial-free steel K. Shen , B. J. Duggan. Acta Materialia 55(2007)1137-1144. (SCI收录)(金属材料领域国际最权威杂志,影响因子3.941)


    (1) Yi Yu, Zuhang Zhan, Peijuang Tang, Qingyu Xu, Qi Fan, Wei Wang and Kai Shen

      Promoting Polysulfide Redox Kinetics by Co9S8 Nanoparticle-Embedded in N-doped Carbon Nanotube Hollow Polyhedron for Lithium Sulfur Batteries.Journal of Alloys and Compounds.869,(2021),15930.(学生第一作者,


     (2) Y. Yu, Z. Zhan, Q. Xu, K. Shen

Dual Stabilized Architecture of Si@SiO2/N-Doped Carbon Composite Synthesized via Oxygen Plasma Method as Anode for High-performance LIBs. Chem. Lett2020, 49, 423-427. (学生第一作者,本人通讯作者)

     (3)Guixian Liu, Shuangbao Wang, M.A. Gondal, Kai Shen, Qingyu Xu

Enhanced visible light photocatalytic performance of g-C3N4photocatalysts co-doped with gold and sulfur in photo-degradation ofpersistent pollutant (Rhodamine B) under visible light. Journal of nanoscience and nanotechnology. Journal of nanoscience and nanotechnology, 2019, 192: 713~720.(学生第一作者,本人通讯作者)

(4)   Guixian Liu, XingduQiao, M.A. Gondal, Yun Liu, Kai Shen

Comparative study of pure g-C3N4and sulfur-doped g-C3N4catalyst performancein photo-degradation of persistent pollutant (Rhodamine B) under visible light. Journal of nanoscience and nanotechnology, 2018, 186: 4142~4154. (学生第一作者,本人通讯作者)

(5)   Deyuan Yang,M.A. Gondal, Z.H. Yamani, Zain H. Yamani, Umair Baig, Xingdu Qiao,Guixian Liu, Qingyu Xu, Dinghan Xiang, Junkui Mao, Kai Shen

532nm nanosecond pulse laser triggered synthesis of ZnO2 nanoparticles via a fast ablation technique in liquid and their photodegradation performance. Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 57: 124-131,2017. (学生第一作者,本人通讯作者)

(6)   K.Shen, M.A.Gondal

Romoval of hazardous Rhodamine dye from water by adsorption onto exhausted coffee ground. JOURNAL OF SAUDI CHEMICAL SOCIETY 21,S120-S127, 2017

(7)   Deyuan Yang, M.A. Gondal, Z.H. Yamani, Qingyu Xu, Dinghan Xiang,Junkui Mao, Kai Shen

Enhanced Photosensitization Decomposition of Rhodamine B Onto BiOCl Nanosheets withControllable-Exposed {001} Facets. Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters , 8:1-8,2016(学生第一作者,本人通讯作者)

(8)   Shan Shi, Mohammed A Gondal ,Kai Shen, Mohammed A. Ali, Qingyu Xu, Xiaofeng Chang

Batch and column adsorption of dye contaminants using a low-cost sand adsorbent. Res Chem Intermed, (2015) 41:6999–7013(学生第一作者,本人通讯作者)

(9)   Kai Shen, M.A.Gondal, A. A. Al-Saadi, Liye Li, Xiaofeng Chang, Qingyu Xu

Visible light-induced photodegradation of rhodamine dyes over BiOCl, and the vital importance of the frontier orbital energy of the dye molecules in the reaction kinetics, Res Chem Intermed (2015) 41:2753–2766

(10) Shan Shi, M. S. Sadullah, M. A. Gondal, Yihe Sui, Suqiao Liu, Z. H. Yamani, Kai Shen, Qingyu Xu, Junkui Mao

Wetting and non-wetting behavior of abrasive paper for oil water separation and oil spill cleanup, Res Chem Intermed (2015) 41:8019–8029(学生第一作者,本人通讯作者)

(11) Jiangbo Sun, Jinrong Song ,M.A.Gondal, Shan Shi , Zhongxi Lu, Qingyu Xu, Xiaofeng Chang, Dinghan Xiang, Kai Shen

Preparation of g-C3N4/BiOX (X 5 Cl, Br, I) composites, and their photocatalytic activity under visible light irradiation. Res Chem Intermed (2015) 41:6941–6955(学生第一作者,本人通讯作者)

(12) K. Shen, M.A. Gondal, R.G. Siddique, S. Shi, S.W. Wang, J.B. Sun, Q.Y. Xu,

Preparation of ternary Ag/Ag3PO4/gC3N4 hybrid photocatalysts and their enhanced photocatalytic activity driven by visible light. Chin. J. Catal., 35, 78-84, 2014

(13) K. Shen, M.A. Gondal, Q.Y. Xu, S. Shi, X.F. Chang,

Synthesis of RhB/BiOBr hybrid photocatalyst and its utilization in enhanced degradation of methyl orange via visible-light induced photosensitization process. J. Adv. Oxid. Technol., 17, 121-126, 2014

(14) S. Shi, M.A. Gondal, S.G. Rashid, Q. Qi, A.A. Al-Saadi, Z.H. Yamani, Y.H. Sui, Q.Y. Xu, K. Shen,

Synthesis of g-C3N4/BiOClxBr1-x hybrid photocatalysts and the photoactivity enhancement driven by visible light. Colloids & Surf. A, 461, 202-211, 2014 (学生第一作者,本人通讯作者)

(15) S. Shi, M.A. Gondal, A.A. Al-Saadi, R. Fajgar, J. Kupcik, X. F. Chang, K. Shen, Q.Y. Xu, Z.S. Seddigi,

Facile preparation of g-C3N4 modified BiOCl hybrid photocatalyst and vital role of frontier orbital energy levels of model compounds in photoactivity enhancement. J. Colloid Interf. Sci., 416, 212-219, 2014(学生第一作者,本人通讯作者)

(16) K. Shen, M.A. Gondal, Z.J. Li, L.Y. Li, Q.Y. Xu, Z.H. Yamani.

450 nm visible light-induced photosensitized degradation of Rhodamine B molecules over BiOBr compound from aqueous solution. React. Kinet. Mech. Cat., 109:247–258, 2013

(17) L.R. Luo, K. Shen, Q.Y. Xu, Q. Zhou, W. Wei, M.A. Gondal.

Preparation of multiferroic Co substituted BiFeO3 with enhanced coercive force and its application in sorption removal of dye molecules from aqueous solution. J. Alloy Compd., 558, 73-76, 2013 (学生第一作者,本人通讯作者)

(18) J. Zhang, M.A. Gondal, W. Wei, T.N. Zhang, Q.Y. Xu, K. Shen.

Preparation of room temperature ferromagnetic BiFeO3 and its application as an highly efficient magnetic separable adsorbent for removal of Rhodamine B from aqueous solution. J. Alloys Compd., 530, 107-110, 2012(学生第一作者,本人通讯作者)

  • 1999.12 -- 2004.6

    香港大学       金属材料       博士研究生毕业       工学博士学位

  • 1996.9 -- 1998.7

    南京大学       凝聚态物理       硕士研究生毕业       理学硕士学位

  • 1992.8 -- 1996.7

    扬州大学       机械工程       大学本科毕业       工学学士学位

  • 2004.2 -- 2012.4


  • 1998.8 -- 1999.12


  • 1992.8 -- 1996.7


  • [1]陶瓷基复合材料,新能源材料,功能材料
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