
IDMS based method for quantitative monitoring of aero-engine ingested airborne sands


  • Affiliation of Author(s):民航学院

  • Journal:Hangkong Xuebao

  • Abstract:In order to monitor the ingested airborne sands inside the aero-engine quantitatively, this paper builds the simulation model based on ingested debris monitoring system (IDMS) to analyze different ingested airborne sand distributions and also proposes the method for estimating the total amount of ingested airborne sands, based on the IDMS signal. IDMS model is developed in finite element software ANSYS to simulate the electrostatic field of ingested airborne sands with electrostatic charges. The relationship between the IDMS monitoring signals and the parameters of the ingested airborne sands is studied, such as mass concentrations and charge-to-mass ratio. The IDMS sensing characteristic derived from the finite element model proposed is found to be consistent with the results of previous experiments. The trend of electrostatic signals from both simulation and experiment are the same, laying the basis for the monitoring of the mass concentrations of the ingested airborne sands as well as the estimation of total amount. This simulation study shows that the relationship between induced charges of IDMS and mass concentration is linear, given a constant charge-to-mass ratio. The induced charges along with different ingested airborne sand distributions can be extracted from real-time monitoring system. Therefore, based on the measured charge signals using the IDMS, the mass concentrations of the ingested airborne sands can be recorded on-line, and further the total amount of airborne sands ingested during a specified interval can be estimated with an estimation error no greater than 4%. © 2017, Press of Chinese Journal of Aeronautics. All right reserved.

  • ISSN No.:1000-6893

  • Translation or Not:no

  • Date of Publication:2017-08-25

  • Co-author:Liu, Xinchao,Liu, Ruochen,Kang, Yuanrong,Yin, Yibing,zhf

  • Correspondence Author:Sun Jianzhong

  • Date of Publication:2017-08-25

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