• 中文

Shen YizhouProfessor

沈一洲,教授,博士生导师,江苏省某创新平台负责人,国家高层次青年人才,国家首批“博新计划”人才,江苏省“优青”基金获得者,江苏省“青蓝工程”优秀骨干教师,南京航空航天大学“长空学者”,新加坡南洋理工大学博士后,主要从事材料表界面加工与应用研究。主持国家自然科学基金 重点项目/面上项目/青年基金、国家重点研发计划重点专项项目、某前沿创新项目/某领域重点基金、国家某重大专项课题、江苏省国际合作创新项目...Detials

A combination structure of microblock and nanohair fabricated by chemical etching for excellent water repellency and icephobicity

Release time:2020-03-23  Hits:

  • Affiliation of Author(s):材料科学与技术学院
  • Key Words:Anti-icing/icephobicity Superhydrophobic Freezing time Ice adhesion
  • Abstract:Icephobic/anti-icing materials have received growing attentions due to their great potential in reducing energy consumption. The aim of this presented work is to propose a superhydrophobic surface with microblock-nanohair hierarchical structures, and verify its water repellence and icephobic capacity. The hierarchical structures were fabricated by means of a combined method of electrochemical etching and hydrothermal treatment. Following this, the fluoridation modification was performed to obtain the superhydrophobicity with the water contact angle reaching 164 degrees and the sliding angle of 1.5 degrees. The dynamic droplet impacting on the hierarchical structure surface can rapidly rebounce off with the shorter contact time of 9.8 ms, displaying the robust dynamic water repellency. Comparing with the untreated substrate, the resultant superhydrophobic surface exhibited higher anti-icing property with the freezing time of a 4 mu L reference droplet increasing from 11.3 s to similar to 1700 s at -10 degrees C, and the ice adhesion force reducing to similar to 35 kPa. Furthermore, the comparative studies with the other single-tier structure (i.e., microblock and nanohair structure) surfaces provided the necessary assistance to reveal the underlying action mechanism that the hierarchical micro-nanostructure induced more air pockets underneath droplets to produce the higher hydrophobicity and icephobic capacity.
  • ISSN No.:0169-4332
  • Translation or Not:no
  • Co-author:Jin, Mingming,lxz,Jie Tao,Xie, Yuehan,Chen, Haifeng,wyh
  • Correspondence Author:沈一洲,lxz
  • Date of Publication:2018-10-15