


Alma Mater:南京航空航天大学

Education Level:博士毕业


School/Department:College of Science

Discipline:Applied Mathematics

Business Address:数学学院三楼

Contact Information:shachunlin@nuaa.edu.cn


Paper Publications

A novel neurodynamic reaction-diffusion model for solving linear variational inequality problems and its application


Affiliation of Author(s):理学院

Journal:Appl. Math. Comput.

Abstract:In this paper, we present a new delayed projection neural network with reaction-diffusion terms for solving linear variational inequality problems. The proposed neural network possesses a simple one-layer structure. By employing the differential inequality technique and constructing a new Lyapunov–Krasovskii functional, we derive some novel sufficient conditions ensuring the globally exponential stability. These conditions are dependent on diffusions and the monotonicity assumption is unnecessary. Furthermore, the considered neural network can solve quadratic programming problems. Finally, several applicable examples are provided to illustrate the satisfactory performance of the proposed neural network. © 2018 Elsevier Inc.

ISSN No.:0096-3003

Translation or Not:no

Date of Publication:2019-01-01


Correspondence Author:ChunlinSha

Pre One:Design of synthesizing multi-valued high-capacity auto-associative memories based on complex-valued networks

Next One:Design and analysis of associative memories based on external inputs of continuous bidirectional associative networks


一直从事神经网络的理论及其应用、神经网络最优化动力学、神经网络联想记 忆等领域的研究工作,已在神经网络求解二次规划问题、求解变分问题、具有时空效应的优化神经网络、多模态自联想记忆的双极型神经网络、多值联想记忆的神经网络等领域取得一些成果, 可运用于金融投资决策、图像融合问题、多值字符和图像的联想记忆。是IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning System、Neurocomputing等审稿人,参与国家自然科学 基金面上项目四项、国家自然科学基金青年项目两项,主持校科研项目一项,近五年在 Neurocomputing、Applied Mathematics and Computation、Nonlinear Dynamics等国际重 要刊物与国际会议上发表论文11篇,其中一作SCI收录5篇,一作EI收录1篇,另外,2015年7月 发表在neurocomputing上的A new delayed projection neural network for solving quadratic programming problems with equality and inequality constraints被全国微 分方程稳定性理论与应用学术会议委员会授予优秀论文奖。微分方程理论与应用团队获2021年度 “五好导学团队”。


(1)  Chunlin Sha, Hongyong Zhao, A novel neurodynamic reaction-diffusion model for solving linear variational inequality problems and its application, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2019, 346: 57-75

(2)  Chunlin Sha, Hongyong Zhao, Yuan Yuan, Yuzhen Bai, Synthesization of Multi-valued Associative High-Capacity Memory Based on Continuous Networks with a Class of Non-smooth Linear Nondecreasing Activation Functions, Neural Processing Letters, 2019, 50(1): 911-932

(3)  Chunlin Sha,Hongyong Zhao, Design of Synthesizing Multi-valued High-Capacity Auto-associative Memories Based on Complex-Valued Networks, International Conference on Neural Information Processing, Springer, Siem Reap, Cham, 2018, 12.13-12.16

(4)  Ling WangHongyong Zhao, Chunlin Sha, Dynamical stability in a delayed neural network with reaction-diffusion and coupling, Nonlinear Dynamics, 2018, 92(3): 1197-1215

(5)  Chunlin Sha,Hongyong Zhao, Design and analysis of associative memories based on external inputs of continuous bidirectional associative networks. Neurocomputing, 2017, 266:433-444

(6)  Chunlin Sha, Hongyong Zhao, Tingwen Huang, Wen Hu, A Projection Neural Network with Time Delays for Solving Linear Variational Inequality Problems and Its Applications. Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, 2016, 8(35):2789-2809

(7)  Chunlin Sha, Hongyong Zhao, Fengli Ren, A new delayed projection neural network for solving quadratic programming problems with equality and inequality constraints. Neurocomputing, 2015,168(30): 1164–1172 

(8)  Kebing Chen, Chunlin Sha, Game-theoretic analysis among competing retailers: Extensions of multi-newsvendor model, International Conference on Management Science and Engineering, IEEE, Long Beach, USA, 2008, 9.10-9.12



1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目、异质性和气候驱动下的反应扩散蚊媒传染病模型的建立与研 究、2019/9-2023/9、52万元、在研、参与;

2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目、11571170、具有记忆特性的非光滑反应扩散种群模型的建立与 研究、2016/1-2019/12、50万、完成、参与; 

3. 国家自然科学基金青年项目、61403193、基于universum学习的降维方法研究、2015/1- 2017/12、24万元、完成、参与; 

4. 国家自然科学基金青年项目、11401304、基于扩散近似方程的光学成像反问题的重构模型和 算法研究、2015/1-2017/12、22万、完成、参与; 

5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,11371101、编码密码中涉及的几种指数和及其应用研究、201 4/6-2017/12、55万、完成、参与; 

6. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,10971205、对称密码中涉及的差集和Bent函数研究、2012/01- 2015/12、43万、完成、参与。 

技术研发及实际应用:基于复杂任务场景下的任务规划应用环境,以最优性能为标准, 构建复杂任务场景下无人机系统任务调度的动态调整模型;利用启发式寻优搜索、遗传算法、深 度学习算法等,在适当的时间内计算出任务执行的次序以及最优或次优的飞行轨迹,完成无人机 系统动态路径规划算法程序的研发等。 

1. 主持横向项目:无人系统调度和路径规划技术研究,10万,2021年12月-2023年5月; 

2. 主持横向项目:复杂场景下多任务调度优化技术与应用研究,10万,2021年5月-2022年5月

3. 参与横向项目:永磁直流无刷电机振动的技术研究 ,1万,2019年12月-2022年4月; 

4. 参与横向项目:房山水库洪水预报调度系统研究 ,1.5万,2014.9-2016.9。


1.获“智慧教学之心” 称号 教育部在线教育中心 2020-01

2.2018-2019年度校教 学创新一等奖 南航 2020-03

3.2017-2018年度校教 学首届创新奖 南航 2018-12

4.2016-2017年度校教 学优秀二等奖 南航 2017-12

5.获“教师发展者称号 ”发展称号 南航 2020-11