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Effect of inverse load on critical heat flux of steam-water two-phase flow in a tube


Affiliation of Author(s):航空学院

Title of Paper:Effect of inverse load on critical heat flux of steam-water two-phase flow in a tube

Journal:Beijing Hangkong Hangtian Daxue Xuebao

Abstract:An experimental investigation using a rotating platform was performed to obtain the critical heat transfer performance of steam-water two-phase flow in a rectangle tube under inverse load. By changing the parameters such as magnitude of inverse load, inlet subcooling and mass flow rate, the critical flow and heat transfer data of steam-water two-phase flow boiling under static and inverse load were obtained. The results show that mass flow rate decreases with continuous heating, but the variation of fluid pressure difference in the test section is opposite. At critical state, mass flow rate decreases with increasing inverse load and/or inlet subcooling. Fluid pressure difference increases with increasing inverse load and mass flow rate, and decreases with increasing inlet subcooling. The critical heat flux increases with increasing inverse load, mass flow rate and inlet subcooling. Inverse load greatly impacts critical heat flux. Within its changing range from 0 g to 2.5 g, the critical heat flux could be increased by 50%. © 2017, Editorial Board of JBUAA. All right reserved.

ISSN No.:1001-5965

Translation or Not:no

Date of Publication:2017-04-01

Co-author:Song, Junhui,张钊,李冈

Correspondence Author:Song, Junhui,sby

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