Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Title of Paper:Zinan Zhao, Bin Wang, Zhenghua Qian, Yook-Kong Yong, A novel approach to quantitative predictions of high-frequency coupled vibrations in layered piezoelectric plates, International Journal of Engineering Science Vol. 157, 103407, 2020.
Translation or Not:no
Pre One: Feng Zhu, Ernian Pan, Zhenghua Qian, Acoustic vibration of hexagonal nanaoparticles with damping and imperfect interface effects, ASME Transactions on Journal of Vibration and Acoustics Vol. 143, 031008, 2021.
Next One:Nian Li, Bin Wang, Zhenghua Qian, Iren Kuznetsova, Tingfeng Ma, Two-dimensional plate theory for the analysis of coupling vibrations in shear mode FBARs, IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control Vol. 67(9), 1897-1908, 2020.
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