Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Title of Paper:Feng Zhu, Ernian Pan, Zhenghua Qian, Yun Wang, Dispersion curves, mode shapes, stresses and energies of SH and Lamb waves in layered elastic nanoplates with surface/interface effect, International Journal of Engineering Science Vol. 142, 170-184, 2019.
Translation or Not:no
Pre One: Haoyu Huang, ZhengHua Qian, Jiashi Yang, I-V characteristics of a piezoelectric semiconductor nanofiber under local tensile/compressive stress, Journal of Apply Physics Vol. 126, 164902, 2019.
Next One:Zinan Zhao, Bin Wang, Jiaqi Zhu, Zhenghua Qian, Bin Huang, Frequency spectra of coupling vibration in high-frequency thickness-shear ZnO thin film resonator applied in sensing field based on the Hamilton principle, IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control Vol. 66(8), 1331-1339, 2019.
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