Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Title of Paper:Feng Zhu, Shihao Ji, Jiaqi Zhu, Zhenghua Qian, Jiashi Yang, Study on the influence of semiconductive property for the improvement of nanogenerator by wave mode approach, Nano Energy Vol. 52, 474-484, 2018.
Translation or Not:no
Pre One: Xiaoyun Dai, Feng Zhu, Zhenghua Qian, Jiashi Yang, Electric potential and carrier distribution in a piezoelectric semiconductor nanowire in time-harmonic bending vibration, Nano Energy Vol. 43, 22-28, 2018.
Next One:I.E. Kuznetsova, I.A. Nedospasov, V.V. Kolesov, Z.H. Qian, B. Wang, F. Zhu, Influence of electrical boundary conditions on profiles of acoustic field and electric potential of shear-horizontal acoustic waves in potassium niobate plates, Ultrasonics Vol. 86, 6-13, 2018.
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