Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Title of Paper:Z.H. Qian, F. Jin, T.J. Lu, K. Kishimoto, Transverse surface waves in an FGM layered structure, Acta Mechanica Vol. 207, pp. 183-193, 2009.
Translation or Not:no
Pre One: Z.H. Qian, F. Jin, T.J. Lu, K. Kishimoto, Transverse surface waves in a layered structure with a functionally graded piezoelectric substrate and a hard dielectric layer, Ultrasonics Vol. 49, pp. 293-297, 2009.
Next One:Z.H. Qian, F. Jin, F.M. Li, K. Kishimoto, Complete band gaps in two-dimensional piezoelectric phononic crystals with {1-3} connectivity family, International Journal of Solids and Structures Vol. 45, pp. 4748-4755, 2008.
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