Shilong PAN
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Paper Publications
High-resolution phased array radar imaging by photonics-based broadband digital beamforming

Affiliation of Author(s):电子信息工程学院

Journal:Opt. Express

Abstract:A photonics-based broadband phased array radar is demonstrated to realize high-resolution imaging based on digital beamforming. This photonics-based phased array radar can achieve a high range resolution enabled by a large operation bandwidth, and can realize squint-free beam steering by digital true time delay (TTD) compensation. In addition, the photonic dechirp processing applied in the receiver can alleviate the hardware requirements for data sampling and storage, and hence remarkably enhance the real-time signal processing capability. In a proof-of-concept experiment, target imaging by a photonics-based 1 × 4 phased array radar that has a bandwidth of 4 GHz (22-26 GHz) is demonstrated, of which the range and azimuth resolution is measured to be 3.85 cm and 2.68°, respectively. The proposed scheme provides good solution to overcoming the bandwidth limitation and implementing high-resolution imaging in a phased array radar. © 2019 Optical Society of America.

Translation or Not:no

Date of Publication:2019-04-29

Co-author:Gao, Bindong,Zhao, Ermao,Zhang, Daocheng,Shilong PAN

Correspondence Author:zfz

Personal information

Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates

Main positions:Professor

Other Post:Director of National Key Laboratory of Microwave Photonics


Alma Mater:Tsinghua University

Degree:Doctoral Degree in Engineering

School/Department:College of Electronic and Information Engineering

Discipline:Other specialties in Optical Engineering. Physical Electronics. Communications and Information Systems

Business Address:电子信息工程学院210

Contact Information:025-84892838


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